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外语 系 英语 专业 级 填表人: 杜建平 填表时间:2016 年 12月10 日联系:13966300617

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1Incorporating Culture into English Teaching其他自拟中杜建平讲师2A Comparative Study of Structure in English and Chinese Writing其他自拟中杜建平讲师3On the Importance of Culture in the Teaching of Reading其他自拟中杜建平讲师4On the Development of English Vocabulary其他自拟中杜建平讲师5A Comparative Analysis of British and American English其他自拟中杜建平讲师6Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures其他自拟中杜建平讲师7On New Coinages in Contemporary English其他自拟中杜建平讲师8On Cultural Implications of Moon in English and Chinese Literature其他自拟中杜建平讲师9On Interference of Culture in English Teaching其他自拟中杜建平讲师10Hand Gesture in Communication其他自拟中杜建平讲师11The Influence of English Loanwords in Modern Chinese其他自拟中杜建平讲师12A Contrastive Study of Metaphors in Chinese and English Idioms其他自拟中杜建平讲师13A Study of English Word Formation Rules其他自拟中杜建平讲师14Ambiguity and Puns in English其他自拟中杜建平讲师

指导教师: 胡厚元 填表时间: 2016年 12月1日 联系:13865799866

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介1The Dilemma of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice

试论《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻的两难性2Comparison Between the Love Pursuers: Elizabeth and Lin Daiyu 爱情的追求者:伊丽莎白3Love and Hatred in the Wuthering Heights浅论《呼啸山庄》里的爱与恨4The Character Analysis of Pride and Prejudice

《傲慢与偏见》中的人物分析5Analysis of the Tragedy in Tess of the D urbervilles

试论《德伯家的苔丝》6The Application of Meta cognitive Strategies in High School English Listening Teaching元认知策略在英语听力教学中的运用7Coherence of High School English Education and College English Education中学与大学英语教学衔接8On Structure and Development of English Reading Ability in Senior Middle School 试论阅读能力的层级结构及其培养9On Meta-cognitive Strategy and Development of Senior English Reading Ability 元认知策略与高中生英语阅读能力的培养10On Error Analysis in Senior High Students' Written English Work 高中生作文错误分析11Collocation Errors in the Writings of Chinese Learners of English英语学习者作文中的搭配错误分析Application of Task-based English Teaching in High School Students' Spoken English Courses


序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1Investigation into Pre-school English Education ----A Case Study of ××××英语教学2Review and Reflection on Learning Autonomy for Non-English Major Students Since 2004英语教学3Cultivation of Pre-service TPC (Teaching Practice Competence) in Developed Countries英语教学4Cultivation of Pre-service TPC (Teaching Practice Competence) for English Teachers in China英语教学5How Effectively Can TPR (Total Physical Response) Be Employed in the Pre-school English Education英语教学6Investigation into English Teaching in Primary Schools in Lu'an City英语教学7Teaching of English Pre-fabricated Formulaic Items and Output Fluency英语教学8Application of Meta-cognitive Strategy in Listening Comprehension of English Majors英语教学9Self-Assesent and Its Impact on English Learning Effectiveness英语教学10Correlations Between Anxiety and College Students' Oral Performance英语教学11On the Feasibility of CLT in Chinese Context英语教学12Reflective Teaching and Cultivation of English Teachers' Professional Competence英语教学13Comparison of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Between English Major and Non-major Students英语教学14Cognitive Comparison Between English and Chinese Advertisements语言学15Rhetorical Research in English and Chinese Advertisements语言学16Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Advertisements语言学17Exploration into Translatability between English and Chinese Advertisements语言学18Comparison of Address Forms Between Chinese and English语言学19Investigation of Middle School Students' Pragmatic Competence in ELL (English Language Learning) and Reflection语用学20Analysis of English Major Students' Pragmatic Failures and Relevant Avoidance Strategies语用学皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师:汪承平 cpwang@wxc.edu. 13605642472


Post-method Pedagogy in EFL Teaching

英语阅读能力发展的障碍因素及其应对策略 Obstacles to Efficient Reading and Counteracting Strategy

英语学习中的母语负迁移现象探究 Research on the Negative Traner of Native Language in English Learning

英汉广告语篇对比分析 Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Advertising Discourses

Influence of Learning Environments on English Learning



新闻英语标题特征分析与汉译 王璐



Discrimination of synonyms in English monolingual Dictionary


课堂演讲在英语教学中的作用The role of classroom speech in English Teaching

文化特色词的翻译技巧Translation skills of Culture -bounded Words

谚语与文化 Proverbs and Culture

外语教学中合作学习效能策略研究 A Sudy of Team work in Foreign Language Learning

社会文化取向中西对比研究 A Comparative Study of Social Cultural value Orientation between China and Western Culture

外语学习策略研究 Strategies in Learning Foreign Languages

中西非语言交流差异对比研究 A Comparative Study of Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication between China and Western Culture




英语教学中形成性教学评估的作用 The Effect on the Formative Assesent in English Teaching

A Study on Language Traner in Second Language Aquisition二语习得过程中的语言迁移现象研究

Factors affacting Second Language Aquisition二语习得过程中的影响因素

English Euphemi and Its Pragmatic Principles英语委婉语及其语用学原则

A Study on English Neologi and Its Devolopment 英语新词发展研究



On over-loaded translation and under-loaded translation



合作学习在英语教学中的应用研究 Research on the Application of the Cooperative Learning in English Teaching

影响听力理解的障碍因素及对策 the Obstacle Factors in Listening Comprehension and Countermeasures

Cultural Factors Affecting Listening prehension文化因素影响听力

Idioms Reflects Cultural differences 成语反映文化的不同

Traner From L1 to L2 in Language Learning语言学习中L1对L2的迁移


A Study of Issues in WXXY College English Learning


个性因素在外语学习中的作用 Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning

基于文化意识培养的高中英语课堂教学 Cultivating Cultural Awareness for Senior High School Students

英语新词的发展 On the Development of English New Words

不可译现象在中英文化差异中的体现On the Untranslatability due to Cultural Differences 非语言语境与翻译 Extra-linguistic Context and Translation



Functional Use of Hedges in Conversational Markedness模糊限制语的话语标记功能




指导教师:苏建荣 联系:13856408569

1 Thesis on Female Survivalist in Gone with the Wind


2 An Analysis of the hero Henry in Farewell to Arms


3 The Tragic Color of Earnest Hemingway's Novels


4 An Analysis of the heroine of The Scarlet Letter


5 Tess: A Rebellious Woman


6 Femini in Pride and Prejudice


7 Femini in Jane Eyre


8 The Analysis of Tess' Tragic Destiny


9 Personality of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind


10 The Tragic Love of Scarlett in the Gone with the Wind


11 Belief Crisis in A Good Man Is Hard to Find


12 Personality of Grandmother in A Good Man Is Hard to Find


13 Anti-war spirit in Farewell to Arms


14 Miit in A Good Man Is Hard to Find



指导教师: 韩成友 : 15955916623指导人数: 7~8

e-mail: hanchengy@wxc.edu. 填表时间: 2016年 12月 2 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介类型来源姓名职称1Functions of Vocabulary in Text

语篇中的词汇功能理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师2Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms

中英谚语的文化差异研究科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师3Acculturation in Middle School English Teaching

中学英语教学中的文化导入理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师4College English Teaching Based on Multimedia

多媒体环境下的大学英语教学自拟所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师5Functions of English Idioms in Middle School English Teaching

英语谚语在中学英语教学中的作用科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师6On Contexts in English Teaching


7On Euphemi in Middle School English Teaching





讲师8Cultural Inputs in English Vocabulary Teaching

英语词汇教学中的文化导入自拟所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师9Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence in English LanguageTeaching

英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养自拟所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师10Context and English Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High School

语境理论与高中英语词汇教学理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师11On Oral English Teaching in College

大学英语口语教学的问题与对策自拟所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师12On English Teacher's Roles in Senior High School

高中英语教师角色探讨理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师13Cultural Connotations of English Words and Their Teaching

英语词汇的文化内涵及其教学科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师14Cultural Barriers of Middle School Learners in English Reading

中学生英语阅读中的文化障碍理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师15Cultivating Students' Cultural Awareness in Senior High School English Teaching

高中英语教学中文化意识的培养理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机,外语,文献检索,写作等韩成友讲师16A View on the Recitation in English Study



指导教师姓名: 李正国 :13865747520 指导人数:7

指导教师 e-mail::nhce2004@yahoo.. 填表时间: 2016 年 12 月 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1On Sino-western Cultural differences and the Structure Chinese College Students' Chinglish语言学2On the Study of Euphemi Words in English语言学3A Study of the Effects of Cultural Differences on Chinese and American Consuming Behiors语言学4On the Study of English Advertisement and American Culture语言学5On the Application of Task-based Language Teaching Approach in College Teaching教育学6Cross-cultural Differences and English Writing for English Majors教育学7Simply on the Application of Task-based Teaching Approach in the English Class教育学8Cultivating Cross-cultural Awareness in English Teaching and Learning教育学9A Study on the Sexist Phenomenon in the English Language语言学10Improving the Effectiveness of the Junior English Grammer Teaching in Context教育学11A Description Study on Gender Differences in Verbal Communication语言学12Emotional Factors in Junior English Teaching教育学13Cultural Differences between China and America in Advertising语言学14Impacts of the Differences between Western and Chinese Religious Beliefs on Chinese Students'English Communication语言学皖西学院外语系20届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师姓名: 高瑞阔 : 13 指导教师 e-mail: rkgao@163. 填表时间: 20 年 1 月 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1An Investigation Into the Language Learning Strategy of English Majors(英语专业学生语言学习策略调查)语言学2A Study of Peer Influence on Foreign Language Learning(同伴对外语学习的影响研究)语言学3A Case Study of Succesul Language Learners(外语学习成功者个案研究)语言学4语言学语言学语言学Sex Discrimination in English(英语中的性别歧视)语言学A Comparative Study of Sex Discrimination in Chinese and English(英汉语言性别歧视对比研究)语言学A Study of English Idioms(英语习语研究)语言学语言学语言学Investigation Into English Majors' Use of Textbook and Other Materials (英语专业学生教材与课外资源使用状况调查研究)语言学1On Individual Learner Differences in FLL(论外语学习中的个体差异)语言学15 Causal Analysis of Lexical Development(词汇发展的原因分析) 语言学语言学Foreign Language Learning(论外语学习中教师的作用)语言学语言学 学生类型来源姓名职称姓名1On Students-centered English Teaching 实践型科学研究中


文献检索袁自聪讲师 2Context and Word Meaning理论型科学研究中


文献检索袁自聪讲师 3Task-based Teaching in the Use of Oral English Teaching




文献检索袁自聪讲师 4Interaction in College Oral English Teaching理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机

文献检索袁自聪讲师5Study on Class Atmosphere and Teaching Effect in English Teaching理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机

文献检索袁自聪讲师6The Emotional Education in English Teaching in Middle School理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机


On Cultivation of Sense of Students' English Language


文献检索袁自聪讲师8Study on Creating English Learning Environment理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机

文献检索袁自聪讲师9Analysis on Chinese Family Education

-- Comparison Between Chinese and Western Family Education理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机

文献检索袁自聪讲师10Culture Teaching in English Vocabulary Teaching理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机


On English Learning Motivation of College Students in China


文献检索袁自聪讲师12The Negative Traner of Mother Tongue on Senior Students' English Speaking理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机

文献检索袁自聪讲师13Cultural Barriers in English Reading理论型科学研究所学专业知识,计算机


Development of College Students' Speaking Abilities in China




指导教师姓名: 王文娟 : 15856408996 指导人数: 7人

指导教师 e-mail: 填表时间: 2016 年 12 月 7 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1过程教学法在高中英语写作教学中的实验性研究

An Experimental Study of Process Writing in Senior English Writing Teaching 语言学(英语教学)2合作式学习在中学英语写作中的应用

The Application of Cooperative Learning in Middle School English Writing 语言学(英语教学)3英汉对比分析在大学英语写作教学中的运用5中学英语写作中的错误分析

Error Analysis of Middle School English Writing 语言学(英语教学)6机辅语言教学环境下英语写作模式探索

An Explorative Study of EFL Writing Pattern in CALL Environment语言学(机辅语言教学)7机辅语言教学环境下英语学习策略培训

English Learning Strategy Training in CALL Environment语言学(机辅语言教学)8中学英语阅读中的元认知策略培训研究

A Study of Metacognitive Strategy Training in Middle School English Reading 语言学(英语教学)9外语教师课堂话语功能分析

The Functions of Foreign language teachers' Classroom Discourse语言学(二语习得)10 大学英语四级听力理解中间接语言的语用研究

A Pragmatic Study on the Indirect Utterances in CET4 Listening Comprehension语言学(语用学)11克服外语课堂焦虑的教学策略之初探12从礼貌原则的观点分析女委婉语的特征The Characteristics of Women Euphemi from the Pragmatic Principles of Politeness语言学(语用学)13大学英语口语课堂中师生的话轮分析14认知隐喻理论在高中词汇教学中的运用Metaphor

in Middle School English Vocabulary Teaching语言学(语言教学)


指导教师姓名: 张芳芳 : 3305382 13805646048 指导人数 7

指导教师 e-mail: zffxy@wxc.edu. 填表时间: 2016年 11 月 29日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1 Context and Utterance-selecting Strategies 语言学2Starting an Essay: A Comparison between English and Chinese Writing语言学3Functional Analyses of Inversion 语言学4On English Compound Nouns语言学5 A Cognitive Approach to Metaphor and Metonymy 语言学6 A Comparative Study on English Active and Passive Sentences语言学7 A Pragmatic Study on Oxymoron 语言学8 A linguistic approach to "he" in the beginning of "The Monster"语言学9On the open end of "The Lady,or the Tiger"语言学10"There-be"misuse in the positions of English majors:an illustration of negative traner 语言学11The overused "make"in the positions of English majors:a case of China-specific English 语言学12On the Chinese de and the English of语言学1ragmatic Analyses of English Rhetorical Question语言学14Cohesive Devices and Coherence语言学


指导教师:刘 虎(13731962505)

1. 科技英语的词汇(语篇)特点

On the Lexical(textual) Features of EST

2. 商务英语的词汇(语篇)特点

On the Lexical(textual) Features of Business English

3. 商务英语翻译失误分析

The Error Analysis in Business Translation

4. 商务英语教学对策分析

On the Strategies of Business English Teaching and Learning

5. 萨丕尔-沃尔夫检测设对英语教学的启示

The Enlightenment of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis on English Teaching and Learning

6. 新闻英语的词汇(语篇)特点

On the Lexical(textual) Features of Journali English

7. 英语外来词的源流

The Origin and Evolution of English Borrowed Vocabulary

8. 翻译对现代汉语欧化的影响

On the Impact of Translation in Europeanized Chinese

9. 英汉语篇衔接的对比研究

A Contrastive Study on the Cohesive Devices between Chinese and English


On English Neologis


On Translator's Subjectivity


On the Configuration for L2 Learner's Spoken Language Acquisition

13. 语用意义的理解与操控

The Understanding and Manipulation of Pragmatic Meanings


On L2 Learners' Self-assesent


On L2 Learners' Indirect Strategies

16. 语用迁移的再思考

Reflections on Pragmatic Traner


On "Faithfulness" in Literary Translation


Pragmatic Interpretation for English Humor


An Overview of L2 Learners' Listening Difficulties


On the Process and Strategy in Interpretation Teaching


指导教师:陈小叶 联系:13675611280

大学英语教学中的词汇搭配意识的培养On the cultivation of college students' awareness of English collocation

非英语专业大学生作文错误个案分析A case study on a non-English major's English writing: error analysis

英语写作中的词汇简单重复及其对文章质量评价的影响The importance fo simple lexical repetition as a criterion in writing asseseng

以语篇分析中的词汇衔接指导大学英语词汇教学 Applying lexical cohesion in discourse analysis to vocabulary teaching and learning

语篇连贯与大学生的英语写作Coherence and cohesive means of college English writing

中国大学生的语块使用频率及类别与写作质量的相关性研究A correlation study on frequency and type of chunks used by chinese EFL learners and their writing quality

英语重复手段的语篇粘和作用The cohesive function of repetition in English

话语中的重复结构探析A study of repetition types in discourse

中国大学生英语写作中的逻辑谬误分析An analysis on fallacies in English essays of chinese students

<,鲁宾孙漂流记>,有感Feelings on Robinson Crusoe<,阿甘正传>,承载的美国青年文化Forrest Gump and the American Dream 指导人数:9

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1Analysis of Romeo and Juliet英美文学2Analysis of the Characters' Personality in Jane Eyre英美文学3On the Symboli in The Tess of the D'Urberfield英美文学4The Creation Features of Thomas Hardy's Novels英美文学5On Thomas Hardy's Fatali英美文学6On the Features of D. H. Lawrence's Novels英美文学7On the Linguistic Features of Great Expectations英美文学8The Image of Orphans in Victorian Novels英美文学9On Characteristics of Romantic Poetry英美文学10Comparison between Tess and French Lieutenant Woman英美文学11Analysis of Women Images in French Lieutenant Woman英美文学12On Features of Thomas Hardy's Environment Novels英美文学13On Men's Images in Tess of the D'Urbervills英美文学14

Analysis of Identity in Tess of the D'Urbervills英美文学

15D. H. Lawrence's Views of Nature英美文学16

Women's Liberation of Jane Eyre英美文学

17Jane Austen's Love Viewpoint and the Woman Image英美文学18Comparison Between Tess and Sarah英美文学19On Women's Liberation in Jane Eyre英美文学20On Doris Lessing's Creation Themes英美文学


指导教师姓名: 李乔 : 13731950168 指导人数: 4

指导教师 e-mail: hiliqiao@yahoo.. 填表时间: 11 年 11 月 27 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1On Translation of Political Documents翻译2A Comparative Study of the Translations of Steve Jobs翻译3On Translation of Subtitles翻译4A Comparative Study of the Translations of The Art of War 翻译5On Translation of Chinese Poems翻译6A Comparative Study of the Translations of Public Signs 翻译7On Translation of Brand Names翻译8On the Theme of The Wizard of Oz文学


外国语 学院 英语 专业 08 级 联系: 15856460416 填表人: 卢玫 填表时间: 11 年 12 月 5日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1Harry's Growth in Harry Potter Series理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师2A Character Analysis on Far from the Madding Crowd理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师3Females Images in Jennie Gerhardt理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师4Archetypal Analysis on Tess of the d'Urbervilles理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师5Mark Twain's Humor in His Novels理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师6Hemingway's View on War理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师7Biblical Archetypes in O. Henry's Short Stories理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师8Americans' Family View in Desperate Housewives理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师9American Humor in Situation Comedies理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师10Different Female Images in Desperate Housewives理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师11On Teachers' Role in Oral English Class理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师12English Grammar Teaching in Junior Middle School理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师13English Teaching under Multimedia System in High School理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师14 English Writing Teaching in High School理论自拟中专业知识,文献检索卢玫讲师


指导教师姓名: 李世林 : 18956472138 指导人数: 4

指导教师 e-mail: shilin812@163. 填表时间: 2016 年 12 月 7日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1On Heathcliff's Abnormal Love in Wuthering Heights

文学类2From old South to new south---on Scarlett O'Hara's growth

文学类3On fatali of Tess of the d'Urbervilles

文学类4On the Root Cause of Family Tragedy in Sons and Lovers

文学类5On male images in Sons and Lovers文学类6 Naturali in Sons and Lovers

文学类7Interpreting Sister Carrie from the feminist perspective

文学类8Alienation in Sons and Lovers 文学类


外语 系 英语 专业 08 级 联系: 15955980689 填表人: 汪希平

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师 第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1Motherwork and a Disadvantaged Chinese Immigrant Family in The Joy Luck Club理论型



检索,写作等汪希平助教2Motherwork and a Disadvantaged Chinese Immigrant Family in The Woman Warrior理论型



检索,写作等汪希平助教3Relationship in Chinese America

A Case Study of The Fifth Chinese Daughters理论型



检索,写作等汪希平助教4Relationship in Chinese America

A Case Study of The Joy Luck Club理论型



检索,写作等汪希平助教5Mother- Daughter Re-identification in the Woman Warrior理论型



检索,写作等汪希平助教6A Comparative Study on mother-daughter relationship in the The Fifth Chinese Daughter and The Joy Luck Club理论型




指导教师姓名: 周梅 :13733029750 指导人数: 人 填表时间: 2016年 12 月 7 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1从看语用模糊在会话中的交际功能2会话含义理论框架下的小说对话的理解——以中的人物对话为例3《傲慢与偏见》中人物对话之语用4论模糊语言在《傲慢与偏见》中的语用功能5谈语言文化双线贯穿进行外语教学6外语教学中的文化教学原则7英语教学中的课堂激励教学法8"角色表演"在课堂教学中的应用9口语教学中教师的角色10模糊限制语与英语口语教学11 从"合作原则"谈模糊语言的语用功能 12从礼貌原则角度看模糊限制语的使用及语用功能 13 模糊语言的语用功能及其对英语教学的启示14模糊限制语在英语教学中的语用功能


指导教师姓名: 钱放 : 13865440519 指导人数: 3

指导教师 e-mail: qianfang@wxc.edu. 填表时间: 2016 年 12 月 4 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1简·奥斯汀和她笔下的男性

Jane Austin and the Heroes in Her Novels文学2简·奥斯汀小说《劝导》的女性主义解读

A Feminist Approach to Jane Austen's Persuasion文学3简·奥斯汀小说中的"灰姑娘"情结

Cinderella plex in Jane Austin's Novels文学4On Jane Austen's View of Marriage in Emma

论简·奥斯汀在《爱玛》中的婚姻观文学5Marriage Values of the Traditional and Modern Women as Reflected in Emma从《爱玛》

传统女性与现代女性婚姻观差异文学6A Brief Analysis of the Symboli in Wuthering Heights

简析《呼啸山庄》中的象征主义文学7A Brief Analysis of Gothic Elements in Wuthering Heights

简析《呼啸山庄》中的哥特式元素文学8On Women's Social Status in Wuthering Heights

论《呼啸山庄》中女性社会地位文学9Red and White— the Dual symbolic colors of Tess

白色和红色——苔丝的双重象征色文学10On the Moral Spirit in The Great Gatsby

论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观文学11On the Sophisticated Arrangements in The Great Gatsby

浅谈《了不起的盖茨比》中精巧的情节安排文学12The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea

海明威《老人与海》中的人生哲学文学13Hemingway's Individual Heroi Embodied in The Old Man And The Sea

海明威的个人英雄主义在《老人与海》中的体现文学14A Comparative Study of Revenge in Wuthering Heights and Hamlet



填表人:王旭东 填表时间: 2016 年 11 月 20 日 联系:13605641706

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1A Probe into Anti-slery of Mark Twain--From the Perspective of Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授2Analysis of " The Old Man and Sea "其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授3On Social Factora to the Failure of the Americam Dream——A Contrast between Gatsby and Willy Loman其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授4On the Psychological Development of Tom in The Grapes of Wrath其他自拟难专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授5Multianalysis of "the Lost Generation" in The Sun Also Rises其他自拟难专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授6Studies of Melville's Moby-Dick其他自拟难专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授7On the Theme of For Whom the Bell Tolls其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授8Analysis of the Complicated Nature of Buck in ″The Call of the Wild其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授9The Constrained and Distorted Soul——the Analysis of the Protagonists Disposition of "The Scarlet Letter"其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授10American Dream, a Nigare—Comments on Sister Carrie其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授11The Tragedy in American Tragedy其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授12On the Development of Sister Carrie 's Character其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授13Freedom and Love in Beloved其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授14Stylistic Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授15On the linguistic Features of Huckleberry Finn其他自拟难专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授16On the Main Characters of Uncle Tom's Cabin其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授17Black Humor in Catch-22其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授18An Analysis of Scarlett's Intelligence and Capability in Gone with the Wind其他自拟难专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授19From Innocence to Adulthood in The Catcher in the Rye其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授20The Awakening Of Tom Joad in Grapes of Wrath其他自拟中专业知识,文献检索王旭东副教授


指导教师姓名: 郑国平 : 13866107396 指导人数: 人

指导教师 e-mail: zheng5899@126. 填表时间: 2016年 12 月 1 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1On Translation of Idioms in Chinese and English from Cultural Perspective从文化角度看英汉习语翻译2Comparison between English and Chinese Politeness Principles英汉礼貌原则对比语言学3A Study of Gender Bias in English英语研究4On Gender Differences in English Language英语语言中的性别差异语言学5A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Connotations of Color Terms in English and Chinese英汉颜色词内涵意义的比较分析6A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemis英汉委婉语比较研究7On Translation of Humor in Pride &, Prejudice论《傲慢与偏见》中幽默风格的翻译8Semantic and Pragmatic Analyses of Humor幽默的语义和语用探析9A Contrastive Study of Address Terms in English and Chinese英汉称呼语对比研究10Cultural Encodings in Word Meaning词汇的文化内涵11

12Pun Translation in English Advertisement 英语广告中双关语的翻译

On Jane Austen's View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice论简·奥斯丁在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师:陶芸 联系:13516472266 yunt882@sina.

1 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Language 中英身势语比较

2 Influence of Chinese Dialectic Accents over English Pronunciation 汉语方言对英语发音的影响

3 Exploration Between Persoanality and Marriage from Pride and Prejudice 从《傲慢与偏见》看性格与婚姻的关系

4 Collectivi and Individuali reflected in Chinese and Western Tableware Cultures中西餐具文化所折射的集体主义和个人主义思想

5 The Great Gatsby and the collapse of American Dream 《了不起的盖茨比》和美国梦的破灭

6 The Usage of Body language in English Teaching 身势语在英语教学中的运用

7 Gone with the Wind ----Why This Movie Has the Lasting Popularity 电影《乱世佳人》长期受到青睐的原因

8 On American Value --- from the Classic Lines of Forrest Gump 从《阿甘正传》经典台词看美式价值观

9 On Effectively Applying First Language to Improve Students'Writing Proficiency 如何有效地利用母语思维提高学生的英语写作能力

10 The Influence of American values on the Main Characters of Friends 美国价值观对《老友记》中主要人物的影响

11 Analysis of Tragic Miss Hisham in Great Expectation分析远大前程中郝维香小姐的悲剧成因

12 Different Concepts of Value in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中不同价值观的分析

13 Mark Twain's Humour and Satire in Adventures of Huckberry Finn 马克.吐温的幽默和讽刺在《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》中的充分体现

14 Study of "Code Hero" in Hemingway's Works 论海明威作品中的硬汉形象


填表人: 熊礼伟 填表时间2016年12月 1 日 联系: 13966260402

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1On translation of English and Chinese idioms理论型自拟中等2Cultural difference between Chinese and English idioms and its translation理论型自拟中等3Cultural difference and its untranslatability理论型自拟中等4Culture teaching in college English class理论型自拟容易5Different way of thinking and its translation理论型自拟中等6Barriers to English translation理论型自拟中等7Sexual discrimination in English and Chinese language理论型自拟中等8On differences between Britain English and American English理论型自拟中等9On features of English news and its translation理论型自拟中等10On principles of English and Chinese advertisements translation理论型自拟中等11A parative analysis on English and Chinese color words理论型自拟容易12Cultural difference between Chinese and English理论型自拟中等13Advertisement and its translation理论型自拟中等14Euphemi in English理论型自拟容易


指导教师姓名: 田灵枝 :15856464350 指导人数: 人

指导教师 e-mail: tlzwendy@163.. 填表时间: 2016年 17 月 7 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1Different wine cultures between China and Western countries

中西方酒文化的不同语言与文化2Sex Differentiation and Sexi in English Language

论英语中的性别现象及性别歧视语言与文化oliteness and Indirect Speech Acts

礼貌与间接言语行为4On the Functions of Ambiguity in English

论英语歧义的功能5Food Culture in America and China

中美饮食文化比较6Features of Network English

网络英语的特点7Brief Analysis of Differences between Chinese and American Family Educations

浅析中美家庭教育的差异8US Post-cold-war Foreign Policy from a Cultural Perspective


美国文化中的个人主义语言与文化10Linguistic Features of Obama's Addresses

论奥巴马演说词的语言特征语言教学11 Different Body Languages in Cross-cultural Communication

跨文化交际中的体态语差异语言与文化12Influence of Mark Twain's Works in China

马克吐温的作品在中国的影响语言学13 人体部位作为源范畴的隐喻构词

Word-formation Using Parts of Human Body as Source Categories语言学14Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误语言教学15Social Context in the Foreign Language Teaching and Learning


广告英语的文体特征语言学17The Role of Grammatical Rules in English Language Learning

语法规则在英语学习中的地位18 Symboli in Idiomatic Expressions

论习语中的象征手法语言与文化19ThepragmaticanalysisofEnglishEuphemi 英语委婉语的语用分析20中国80后眼中的中国文化和美国文化21英汉称呼语使用对比研究Address in English and Chinese语言学皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师姓名: 吴红敏 (讲师) : 18919777813 指导人数: 7 指导人数:4

指导教师e-mail: hongmin0527@126. 填表时间: 11 年 12 月 4 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向

1On main characters' symboli in Moby Dick

《白鲸》主要角色的象征意义文 学

2The symbolic meanings in The Great Gatsby

《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征意义文 学3Symboli in The Old Man and the Sea

《老人与海》中的象征意义文 学

4On symboli in Death of a Salean

《推销员之死》中的象征主义文 学

5On symboli in The Scarlet Letter

《红字》中的象征主义文 学

6On symboli in Sister Carrie

《嘉莉妹妹》的象征主义文 学

7On symboli in The Catcher in the Rye

《麦田里的守望者》的象征意义文 学

8Disillusionment of American Dream in Death of a Salean 破灭的美国梦――论《推销员之死》文 学

9On the Women Characters of Hemingway's Works 论海明威作品中的女性形象文 学

10The Writing Skills in A Farewell to Arms 从《永别了,武器》看海明威的写作技巧文 学

11A Feminist Reading of Sister Carrier Dreiser's Views of Womanhood 从嘉莉妹妹的形象看德莱塞的女性观文 学

12Individual Factors Contributing to Gatsby's Tragedy 导致盖茨比悲剧产生的个人因素文 学

13A Brief Analysis on the Image of Hester in the Scarlet Letter

《红字》中海斯特的形象分析文 学

14Analysis on theme of destiny from Thomas Hardy

论托马斯·哈代的命运主题文 学

15Features of Hardy's Writing Technique

托马斯·哈代的写作手法文 学

16A Perspective to the Matters of Gender in Thomas Hardy's Works

哈代的女性观透析文 学2届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师姓名: 王京京 : 15339607613 指导人数: 4人

指导教师 wangjingjing82@hotmail. 填表时间: 2016年 12 月 3 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1英语广告的语言特征分析Analysis of the Linguistic Features of English Advertising2委婉语的产生与交际功能Social Function and Origin of Euphemi英语语言学3论英语语音语调的交际功能The Communicative Function of English StressandIntonation英语语言学4论英语学习——探索英语学习者策略English Learning--Research for English Learner strategies5个性因素在外语学习中的作用Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning6论英语词汇学习中的情感因素A StudyofLearners' AffectiveFactorsin Vocabulary Learning英语教学法7论跨文化交际失败的原因On causes of Breakdowns In Intercultural Communication跨文化交际8影响中西礼仪文化差异的因素Factors Affecting English and Chinese Cultural Differences on Politeness2016届论文选题

指导老师:陆秀东 :15156916962 :luxiudong@wxc.edu.

the Relationship between Jane Eyre and the Bible


Analysis of the Marriages in Pride and Prejudice


Sex Discrimination in English Language


Symboli in The Great Gatsby (浅析《了不起的盖茨比》里的象征主义手法)

Satire in Gulliver's Trels (《格列佛游记》中讽刺手法)

The Analysis of Dickens' Humanitarian Sentimentality in A Tale of Two Cities


The Collapse of the American Dream Represented in The Great Gatsby


The Social Significance of Dickens' Oliver Twist (狄更斯《雾都孤儿》的社会意义)

Tess: A Rebellious Woman (反叛者苔丝)

The High Class as Seen in Thackeray's Vanity Fair (从《名利场》看上流社会)

On Two Great Women in Gone with the Wind


The Weakness of Tess's Characteristics (苔丝性格的弱点)

Causes for the Tragic Life of Tess (苔丝悲剧性生活的原因)

Symboli in Sons and Lovers (《儿子与情人》中的象征主义分析)

Tentative Reflections of American Culture in Forrest Gump


The Symboli in The Old Man and the Sea (论《老人与海》中的象征主义)

The Independence of Jane Eyre (论简·爱的独立性格)

Love and Hate in Wuthering Heights (《呼啸山庄》中的爱与恨)


外语系 英语专业 填表人:严厚安

填表时间:2016年11月24日 :15955916633

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介1A Real Humanist

---on Hamlet's Character2A Satire of Christian's Hypocrisy

—on the Theme of The Merchant of Venice3Daughter of the Renaissance

—on the Heroine of Portia in The Merchant of Venice4A Bre Girl Struggling for Happiness

—Analysis of the Heroine in Jane Eyre5Distorted Character Caused by Depressed Psychy

—Analysis of the Heroine Jane Eyre6Jane Austin's View of Marriage

—An Analysis of Pride and Prejudice7The Loss of American Dream

—An Analysis of the Great Gatsby8Experimental Elements in The Woman Warrior9Spiritual Sympathy of Pilgrim's Progress and Journey to the West10Character Determines the Fate

—on Hamlet's Character and Fate11Comparison Between Tess and Pan Jinlian12Pessimistic Spirit in Thomas Hardy's works13Next They Will Throw Everything Overboard

—A Feminist Reading of the Great Gatsby14You Are What You Own

—A Marxist Reading of the Great Gatsby15A Terrible Spiritual Wasteland

—Analysis of the Wasteland16Colonist or Colonialist

---Analysis of the Hero in Robinson Crusoe皖西学院本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

填表人: 李乃刚 联系:13605644452

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1The Influence of Dialect on Student's English Pronunciation(方言对学生英语语音的影响理论中李乃刚副教授2A Study of Cooperative Learning Strategy in English Classroom(英语课堂的合作学习策略研究中李乃刚副教授3Original Movies and English Learning(原版电影与英语学习理论容易李乃刚副教授4The Application of Modern Information Technology in English Teaching(现代信息技术在英语教学中的应用中李乃刚副教授5A Comparison of Questioning Techniques between Foreign and Chinese Teachers (中外教师课堂提问方法比较理论中李乃刚副教授6Research on the Evaluation System of Oral English Teaching in West Anhui University(皖西学院大学英语口语教学的评估体系研究)理论难李乃刚副教授7The Flexible Use of Clauses in Chinese-English Translation in Business English(商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧)中李乃刚副教授8The Stylistic analysis of Business English Correspondence (商务英语信函的语体分析)中李乃刚副教授9The influence of E-merce on International Trade and Its Solutions (电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策理论难李乃刚副教授10Subjunctive Mood and Business English Expressions (虚拟语气与商务英语表达理论中李乃刚副教授11The Cultivation of Cross-cultural Competence in Business English Learning (商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养理论中李乃刚副教授12Needs Analysis of Business English Learning for English Major Students(英语专业学生商务英语学习需求分析)理论容易李乃刚副教授13The Politeness Principle in Business English Communication (商务英语交往中的礼貌原则)难李乃刚副教授14The Effect of Renminbi's Evaluation on China's Export(人民币升值对我国出口贸易的影响)理论中李乃刚副教授15A Detailed Analysis of the Expanding Models of Multinational Corporations in China(跨国公司在华扩张模式透析)理论难李乃刚副教授16On the "Fool" Image in Issac Bashevis Singer's Short Story Gimpel the Fool (艾·巴·辛格的短篇小说《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》的"傻瓜"形象分析)理论中李乃刚副教授17The Demonic Theme in Issac Bashevis Singer's Short Stories(艾·巴·辛格短篇小说中的"魔鬼"主题)理论难李乃刚副教授18The Exploration of Issac Bashevis Singer's Short Story The Bus (艾·巴·辛格的短篇小说《旅游巴士》探析)理论中李乃刚副教授19Issac Bashevis Singer in China(艾·巴·辛格在中国的影响)理论中李乃刚副教授20Research on Issac Bashevis Singer's Short Story Yentl the Yeshiva boy艾·巴·辛格的短篇小说《犹太学校的男孩彦陶》研究理论中李乃刚副教授皖西学院本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

填表人:周红霞 联系:13856448409

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练

等情况第一指导教师第二指导教师类型来源姓名职称姓名职称1An Analysis of Fossilization in College English Study in the Web-assisted Autonomous Learning Mode网络自主学习模式下的大学英语石化现象分析2Tranerring of Close and Distant Relationship Information in Verbal Communication

言语交际中亲疏关系信息的传递3Metacognitive Strategy Monitoring in English Reading英语阅读中元认知策略的调节与监控

4On the Research and Learning Of Humor in the English Classroom英语课堂中的幽默研究与学习

5.On the Cultural Factors in Inter-cultural Translation

语际翻译中的文化因素6Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer-assisted English teaching 计算机辅助英语教学的利与弊皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师姓名: 朱成棋 : 13966241467 指导人数: 7

指导教师e-mail: zhucq@wxc.edu.

1. Body Language in English Teaching体态语在英语教学中的运用On English Retelling浅谈英语复述On Ambitiousness in Communication in English 论英语交际中的语用歧义A parative study of word order in English and Chinese coordinate constructions and their translations 英汉并列结构的语序对比与翻译On application of Activities-based approach in English teaching浅谈活动教学法在英语教学中的应用On the Relationship between English Study and Gender Differences浅谈英语学习与性别差异On the Phenomena of Negative Tranerence in Translation翻译中的负迁移现象浅析The Efficient ways to improve Listening Comprehension in English 论英语听力的几种有效方Color words and Chinese and Western Cultural Differences 颜色词与中西文化的差Contextual Restriction in Translation语境对翻译的限制Effect on Translation from Different English-Chinese Modes of Thinking中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响On The Nature and functions of Metaphor论隐喻的本质与功能The Comparison and Translation of "Nine" in Chinese and Western Culture英汉数字"九"的文化对比与翻译A Contrastive Study of Animal Cultural Implication between Chinese and English英汉语动物文化含义比较1. The Teaching of Cultures in College English

2. How to Promote College students' Motivation in Classroom

3. The Application of CLT in College English Teaching

4. Speaking English Teaching: Problems and measures

5. Anxiety in Middle Scholl English Learning

6. Strategy of Teacher's classroom Language in English Teaching

7. The English Listening Obstacles and Strategy

8. On Developing English Writing Skills


指导教师姓名: 彭 霞 : 13865648015 指导人数: 8

序号论文题目姓名1On Independence of Tess in Tess of the D'urbervilles2.Symboli in Jude the Obscure3On the Character of Portia in The Merchant of Venice4On the Rebellion of Tess5On Causes of Tess' s Tragedy6On Revival of Humanity in Wuthering Heights7On Marital Theme in Pride and Prejudice8Symboli in Jude the Obscure9On Causes of Sue' s Tragedy in Jude the Obscure10An analysis on Characters in The Merchant of Venice11Exploration on Doris Lessing's any work12Femini in The Scarlet Letter13On heroi in The Old Man and the Sea14The Growth of Black Women Reflected in Beloved皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师姓名: 李曼曼 : 13637254406 指导人数:7

指导教师 e-mail: limm@ wxc.edu. 填表时间: 2016 年 12 月 4 日

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1Analysis of the Female Image in The Scarlet Letter《红字》女性形象之解读American literature2Study of theme of Moby-Dick析《白鲸》之主题American literature3Child Image in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer

哈克·贝恩和汤姆·索亚儿童形象之对比解读American literature4The Female Image in The Portrait of a Lady分析《一个贵妇人的画像》的女性形象English literature5Image parison between Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu

解读简·爱与林黛玉形象Comparative literature6A Study of Theme in The Red Badge of Courage析《红色英勇勋章》的主题American literature7Comparison of American Dream in The Great Gatsby and Sister Carrier

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于语言学的论文例文 大学生适用: 学校学生论文、专升本毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 19 写作解决问题: 毕业论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文模板、论文前言 职称论文适用: 刊物发表、中级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 毕业论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 免费选题

《伟大的盖茨比》和《嘉莉妹妹》美国梦的对比解读American literature8Bigger's Image in Nature Son解析《土生子》的大个形象American literature9Post-moderni in Lolita《洛丽塔》的后现代性解析American literature10Identity analysis in Invisible ManAmerican literature11Analysis of Absurd existence in Catch-22解析《第二十二条军规》的荒诞存在American literature12Survival in Beloved评析《宠儿》的复活American literature13Analysis on female image inA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


English literature14Image of Henry in The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》中亨利的形象分析American literature皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师姓名: 汤仁云 : 13966304662 指导人数: 7

指导教师e-mail: rytang871 @163. 填表时间: 2016 年

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介研究方向1A Comparative Study of the English and Chinese Color Terms语言学2On Vague Language in English Communication语言学3The Application of Role-play in English Teaching in High School英语教学4Interaction in Oral English Teaching英语教学5Interaction and English Language Teaching英语教学6The application of Story Teaching in English Teaching in Primary School英语教学7Stimulating Students' Interest in English Teaching in Primary School英语教学8The Application of Cooperative Learning in High School English Learning英语教学9Teachers' Roles in Oral English Teaching英语教学10Applying Task-based Teaching Principles to Organize Oral Classroom Activities英语教学11The Application of Task-based Teaching in Oral English Class英语教学12On Improvement of Students' Communicative Competence in English Classroom Teaching in High School英语教学13The Application of Inter-cultural Communication in Oral English Teaching英语教学14The Application of Body Language in English Classroom Teachingin Middle School英语教学皖西学院外语系2016届本科毕业论文(设计)题目列表

指导教师:刘莉 联系:15240150651

1. A Contrastive Study of Apologies in English and Chinese


2. English and Chinese Euphemis: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications 从英汉委婉语对比中透析中西文化差异

3. Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Compliments and Compliment-responses


4. On the Comparison of Chinese and English Expressions on Politeness


5. A Contrastive Study of Animal Cultural Implication between Chinese and English


6.On the Influence of English Network Vocabulary on Chinese Language


On the Fairy-tale Language Characteristics and Religion in Journey to the West 论《西游记》中的童话语言特色及其宗教色彩

On the Embodiment of Cultural Specifications of Western Cartoon Movies


填表人: 刘新国 填表时间: 2016年12 月 5 日 13865789026 xgliu@wxc.edu.

序号课 题 名 称 及 内 容 简 介性 质难度综合训练


Study on English Learning Strategies Based on Lexical Chunks实践型自拟中等2英语写作中的词块研究

A Study on Lexical Chunks in English Writing实践型自拟中等3词块学习对英语口语的作用研究

Study on the Effect of Lexical Chunks on Oral English实践型自拟中等4高中生英语作文语病分析及其训练策略

Analysis of Faulty Wording in High School Students' English Writing and its Training Strategies实践型自拟中等5词块学习策略在二语习得中的作用

On the Strategies of English Learning Through Lexical Chunks and its Role in Second Languag