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摘 要 :本文从广义的汉语成语定义出发,粗略探讨汉语成语的英译方法.

关 键 词 :成语 翻译



我们在对汉语成语进行界定之后,下面开始探讨汉语成语的译法.文中所使用的中文例句选自曹雪芹所著的小说《红楼梦》,对应的英译文分别选自杨宪益、戴乃迭的译本a dream of red mansions和Did Hawkes和John Minford的译本the story of the stone.这两个译本是公认的《红楼梦》最好的译本.下面我们将探讨在翻译同一成语时,两个译本的不同.


(1) 日后大了,各人成家立业,或一时有不遂心的事,必然是遇难成祥,逢凶化吉,却从这“巧”字上来.(chapter 41)

Y: When she grows up and has her own family,if anything untoward happens,her bad luck will turn to good all because of this “happy coincidence” in her name.

H: I prophesy for this child that when she’s a big girl and the others are all going off to get married,she may for a time find things that are not going her way,but thanks to this name,all her miortunes will turn into blessings,and what at first looked like bad luck will turn out to be good luck in the end.

在例(1)中,杨宪益和Did Hawkes都用了直译法,杨宪益用了“good”来翻译“吉”,Did Hawkes用了blessings来译“吉”,他们都保留了原成语的意象.


(2)那婆子们站起来,眉开眼笑,千恩万谢的不肯受,见袭人执意不收,方领了.(chapter 37)

Y: The two women stood up,beaming,to thank her profusely and make a show of declining;but on Xiren’s insistence,they accepted the tip.

H: The old women stood up,beaming all over their faces.How kind,how very kind,they said,they couldn’t possibly take it.But as the Aroma insisted,they allowed them to be persuaded.

例句中的“眉开眼笑”如果按字面意思翻译成“eyebrows dance and eyes ile”,外国人会很迷惑.因此杨和 Hawkes省去它的字面意思,把词的内在含义翻译出来.


(4) 刘姥姥进去,只见满屋里珠围翠绕,花枝招展,并不知都系何人.(chapter 39)

Y: Granny Liu had no idea who all these beauties decked out with pearls and emeralds could be.

H: As Grannie Liu entered the room,she was confronted by a bevy of unfamiliar young ladies,all resplendent in ornaments of pearl and kingfisher,like a bed of beautiful flowers,none of which she could give a name to.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于中医药的文章 大学生适用: 研究生毕业论文、函授毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 39 写作解决问题: 学术论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 标准论文格式、论文前言 职称论文适用: 期刊目录、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 学术论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 优质选题



(5)可知我井底之蛙,成日家自说现在的几个人是有一无二的,谁知不必远寻,就是本地风光,一个赛似一个,如今我又长了一层学问.(chapter 49)

Y: Why,I’ve been like a frog at the bottom of a well,imagining that our girls here were unmatched;but now,without searching far afield,here on this very spot I see others who surpass them.

H: I’ve been like a frog living at the bottom of the well who thought the world was a little round pool of water.Up to now I’ve always believe that girls in this household were without equals anywhere,but now even without my needing to go outside,here they e,each one more beautiful than the last.

有些成语出自中国的典故,通常有比喻义,我们不能只根据词来理解它的内涵.在遇到这样的成语时,先直译,然后解释.“井底之蛙”,外国人只会理解成生活在井底的一只青蛙,所以Hawkes在翻译时对它进行了解释“who thought the world was a little round pool of water.”,帮助外国人把握这个成语的内涵.(作者单位:1.江西中医药高等专科学校;2.江西中医药病源病理教研室)