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BA Thesis

Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

English Title

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BA Candidate:



School of Foreign Languages

Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

April/ May 20XX

Table of Contents

中文摘 要 Ⅰ


1. Introduction1

2. Perspectives on Culture2

2.1 Definitions of Culture2



2.2 Characteristics of Culture4

2.2.1 Culture Is Based on Symbols5

2.2.2 Culture Is Shared6

2.3 General Modes of Intercultural Communication7






3.2.1 XXXXXXX13










4. Conclusion33

References/Works Cited35



摘 要

随着翻译研究的深入发展, 大多数翻译研究者逐渐认识到翻译活动不仅仅是一种语言转换活动,更是一种跨文化的交流活动.如功能派的汉斯·威密尔就把翻译看成是跨文化交流活动的一种特殊形式,玛丽·斯内尔—霍恩比进一步认为翻译活动不再是两种语言间的转换,而是两种文化间的交流活动,克里斯蒂安·诺德认为翻译就是不同文化的比较,作为翻译研究派主要代表的苏珊·巴斯奈特和勒菲弗尔甚至把文化视为翻译的基本单位,主张文化研究应该转向注重翻译现象的研究.

关 键 词 :跨文化交际,英汉诗歌互译,背离模式,偶合模式,交合模式


Teaching methodology never stops developing. And the past two decades witnessed the maturity of TBLT in the world around. Originally developed by Prabhu in Bangladore, southern India in 1979, Task-based Language Teaching turned to be the focus of language teaching research. Under this trend, TBLT now is also one of the hottest issues in China's English teaching. The most striking characteristic of Revised National English Teaching Curriculum (RNEC) is the advocation of TBLT from goals of teaching to evaluation of teaching. It is based on the belief that students may learn more effectively when their minds are focused on the task, rather than on the language they are using.

After three or more years of English learning, senior middle school students in China are at intermediate level of English as a foreign language. And it is quite suitable for them now to learn English under the task-based model. Therefore, the author of this thesis perceives that it is necessary to study the application of TBLT for senior middle school, in the hope of obtaining a better understanding of TBLT, attracting more English teachers to adopt TBLT more reasonably and efficiently, and to explore practical implementation of TBLT in English language teaching.

Hence, this thesis will introduce some basic concepts of TBLT such as the definition of "task", the types of tasks and the principles of designing tasks for senior middle school students, teaching procedures with plenty of examples in detail from Senior English for China (SEFC). Then, after the task-based teaching plan, it is obvious to see the advantages of TBLT, paring to the traditional "PPP" model. The last part of this thesis will also discuss the problems and difficulties in terms of operating TBLT, as well as trying to give some solutions. And finally es the natural conclusion that though some problems exist and even will be solved in a long time, as a prehensible and realizable approach, the future of TBLT is expectable and promising.

Key Words: Collaborative Learning, Application, teacher's roles, English Classroom Teaching

American Psychological Association (APA) Style

1 Introduction

1.1 APA for Academic Writing: Essentials

Academic writing may use American Psychological Association (APA) Style, Modern Language Association (MLA) Style, the Chicago Style, and so on. But APA and MLA are two monly used ones. Both can be found in "style manuals" bearing their names,for example, APA's Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001) and MLA's MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (1999).

The choice as to which style is appropriate for a given paper may be determined by three factors: the requirements of the particular course, the standard for the discipline in which you are studying, or your individual preference. A safe way is to consider which style will be most appropriate for your area of specialization. If you are pursuing a major in the humanities, consider learning the MLA style. If behioral or social sciences are likely to be your interest, then the APA style may be most appropriate. Generally, humanities disciplines may include literary, philosophical, cultural, historical, translation studies, and the like. Social sciences may include applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, foreign language teaching, second language acquisition studies, and the like, which are mostly empirical studies involving statistic analyses.

Text Citations

Source material must be documented in the body of the paper by citing the author(s) and date(s) of the sources. The reader can obtain the full source citation from the list of references that follows the body of the paper.

A.When the names of the authors of a source are part of the formal structure of the sentence, the year of publication appears in parentheses following the identification of the authors. The word "and" is used before the last author when multiple authors are identified as part of the formal structure of the sentence. Commas are only used to separate the names of three or more (but not two) authors for a source, for example,

Wirth and Mitchell (1994) found that . . . .

B. When the authors of a source are not part of the formal structure of the sentence, both the authors and years of publication appear in parentheses. The ampersand &, is used before the last author when multiple authors for a source are identified and mas are only used to separate the names of three or more (but not two) authors for a source. And when more than two sources are cited parenthetically, they are ordered alphabetically by first authors' surnames and separated and joined by semicolons in the parentheses, for example,

Reviews of research on religion and health he concluded that at least some types of religious behiors are related to higher levels of physical and mental health (Gartner, Larson, &, Allen, 1991, Koenig, 1990, Levin &, Vanderpool, 1991, Maton &, Pargament, 1987, Paloma &, Pendleton, 1991, Payne, Bergin, Bielema, &, Jenkins, 1991).

C.If publications by two or more primary authors with the same surname are cited, include the first authors' initials in all text citations, even if the publication dates differ, for example,

R. D. Luce (1959) and P. A. Luce (1986) also found.....

J. M. Goldberg and Neff (1961) and M. E. Goldberg and Wurtz (1972) studied......

D.Identify works by the same author (or by the same two or more authors in the same order) with the same publication date by the suffixes a, b, c, and so forth after the year, repeat the year, separate the year-plus-suffixes with mas, for example,

Several studies (Johnson, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c, Singh, 1983, in press-a, in press-b) indicated that . . . .

E.A major citation is separated from other citations within parentheses by the phrase "see also" used after a semicolon and before the first of the remaining citations, which are arranged in alphabetical order, for example,

(Minor, 2001, see also Adams, 1999, Storandt, 1997)

F.Every effort should be made to cite only sources that you he actually read. When it is necessary to cite a source that you he not read ("Grayson" in the following example) but is cited in a source that you he read ("Murzynski &, Degelman" in the following example), use the following format for the text citation and list only the source you he read in the References list, for example,

Grayson (as cited in Murzynski &, Degelman, 1996) suggested ...

G.When a source has two authors, both authors are included every time the source is cited.

H.When a source has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the source is cited, in subsequent citations, include only the first author's surname and "et al." and the year if it is the first citation of the reference within a paragraph, for example,

Payne, Bergin, Bielema, and Jenkins (1991) showed that ... [Use as first citation in text.]

Payne et al. (1991) showed that ... [Use as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.]

Payne et al. showed that ... [Omit year from subsequent citations after first citation within a paragraph.]

I.When a source has six or more authors, cite only the first author's surname followed by "et al." and the year for the first and subsequent citations.

K.If the English translation of a non-English work is used as the source, cite the original publication date and the date of the translation, for example,

Laplace (1814/1951)...

L.To cite a personal munication (including letters, s, and telephone interviews), include initials, surname, and as exact a date as possible. As a personal munication is not "recoverable" information, it is not included in the References section, for example,

B. F. Skinner (personal munication, February 12, 1978) claimed . . . .

2. Quotations

When a direct quotation is used, always include the author, year, and page number as part of the citation.

A.A quotation of fewer than 40 words should be enclosed in double quotation marks and should be incorporated into the formal structure of the sentence, for example,

Patients receiving prayer had "less congestive heart failure, required less diuretic and antibiotic therapy, had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had fewer cardiac arrests, and were less frequently intubated and ventilated" (Byrd, 1988, p.829).

B.A lengthier quotation of 40 or more words should appear (without quotation marks) apart from the surrounding text, in double-spaced block format, with each line indented five spaces from the left margin but without the usual opening paragraph indent. But with more than one paragraph, indent the first line of second and additional paragraphs five to seven spaces from the new margin.

C.Enclose direct quotations within a block quotation in double quotation marks. For a quotation in running text that is already enclosed in double quotation marks, use single quotation marks to enclose quoted material.

D. Type three periods with a space before and after each period to indicate an omission within a sentence. Type four periods to indicate an omission between two sentences (a period for the sentence followed by three spaced periods).

E.When a period or ma occurs with closing quotation marks, place the period or ma before rather than after the quotation marks. Put other punctuation marks (e.g., colon, semicolon) outside quotation marks unless they are part of the quoted material.

2.1 Definitions of Culture



Alleyne, R. L., &, Evans, A. J. (1999). The title of the book. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

(以上为Book by two authors的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Baheti, J. R. (2001a). The title of the book. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Baheti, J. R. (2001b). Roles of . . .

(以上为Book by the same authur in the same year的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Hewlett, L. S. (1996).

Hewlett, L. S. (1999).

(以上为Book by the same authur in different years的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Murzynski, J., &, Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1617-1626.

(以上为Article by two authors的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Paloutzian, R. F. (1996). Invitation to the psychology of religion (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

(以上为Book by one author的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al. (2000). An experimental evaluation . . . .

Wilcox, R. V. (1991). Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star Trek: The Next

Generation. Studies in Popular Culture, 13(2), 53-65.

(以上为Article by more than two authors的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

(以上为Book with no author or editor的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

James, N. E. (1988). Two sides of paradise: The Eden myth according to Kirk and Spock. In D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrum of the fantastic (pp. 219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

(以上为Article or chapter in an edited book的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Di Rado, A. (1995, March 15). Trekking through college: Classes explore modern society using the world of Star Trek. Los Angeles Times, p. A3.

(以上为Newspaper Article的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Degelman, D., &, Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved May 18, 2000, from Vanguard University, Department of Psychology Web site: vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.cfmdoc_id等于796

(以上为Web document on Web site的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)

Hien, D., &, Honeyman, T. (2000). A closer look at the drug abuse-maternal aggression link. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15, 503-522. Retrieved May 20, 2000, from ProQuest database.

(以上为Journal article from database 的文献格式,论文提交时请删除此行)Wilfley, D.E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia.

高 军,戴炜华,2000,语码转换和社会语言学因素,《外国语》第6期,16-21页.

郭林花, 2006,大学校园英汉语码转换的形态句法特征,《现代外语》第2期,21-28页.





First, I express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Li Lian, who offered valuable advice as well as great encouragement in writing the paper. She has assisted considerably in sharpening and strengthening the focus and in pointing out errors and inaccuracies. This paper would not he been possible without her help. I am also grateful to my junior high school teacher at Jiangjin No.1 Middle School, who helped me with the analysis of the teaching examples. In addition, I should be also grateful to the authors whose books and articles I read and cited in my paper.



以下为文学类论文格式 MLA,论文的封面,目录,摘 要 ,正文的一般格式和致谢都与外语教学类和语言学类相同,主要是引用和参考文献的格式与前面的格式不同,因此只列出这两项. The Modern Language Association (MLA) Style

Based on Robert W. Lewis research, Peter L. Hays in his essay "Hemmgway's Use of a Natural Resource: Indians" (1999) considered Hemingway's use of Indians as a natural resource. He found out all the Indian images in Hemingway's fiction and ge a detailed analysis one by one. He draw his conclusion that Hemingway frequently used stereotypes to depict Indians, and they usually portrayed one of two things in his writing, promiscuity or loss. The promiscuity put them, in line with primitivi, more in touch with their feelings and a natural lifestyle. He farther asserted that the Indians were in all that Nick has lost: youth, health, innocence, and confidence. Indians, for Hemingway, meant carefree youth at Wallon Lake, freedom of the out-of-doors, and open, unrestrained sexuality, whether real or imagined.1 In this sense, Hays indicated that Hemingway was ahead of his time in anticipating the present ecological movement, just as he stated in Green Hills in Africa (1935) where he wrote of immigrants to America that "It had been a good country and we had made a bloody mess of it." 2

However, it is regrettable that debates about race, minority identities, representations of ethnicity and cognate questions are almost about Afro-Americans, Hispanics and other immigrant people of colour within the United States or about histories of coloniali in other regions. In US journals, raci and colonial conflicts elsewhere-in South Africa or Britain, are given much more attentiomthan Native American struggles. 3 If this is readily explicable on the grounds of the limited presence of Native Americans in the academy, it is in other ways puzzling: Native Americans and narratives of conquest are prominent in major popular genres such as Hollywood Westerns, but scarcely enter into the literature on colonial discourse and the "presentation of the other." 4

In this story, Nick's recalling of his interracial sex relationship takes a all portion of the whole story. It begins with a "gendered imagery."5 As Hemingway described,

But there was still much forest then, virgin forest where the trees grew high before there were ariy branches and you walked on the brown, clean, springy-needled ground with no undergrowth and it was cool on the hottest days and they three lay against the trunk of a hemlock wider than two beds are long, with the breeze high in the tops and the cool light that came in patches, and Billy said:

"You want Trudy again"6

As Paul Smith noted, there is a "gendered imagery" in this sentence, with the virgin forest is the parallel of the willing Indian girl, is "classically American, classically Edenic, and classical exploitative."7 Ante Kolodny explains in The Lay of the Land, the Indian woman in white, Euro-American literature bees "a kind of emblem for a land that was . .. entertaining the Europeans `with all love and kindness... and as much bounty'." 8 Nick Adams' sexual enjoyment of Trudy partakes of the same "excitement that greeted John Rolfe's marriage to Pocahontas, in April of 1614...serving in some symbolic sense, as a kind of objective correlative for the possibility of Europeans' actually possessing the charms inherent in the virgin continent."9 In this story, both the virgin forest and its vast bedstead hemlock he been raped and exploited before they are visited in retrospect. That Trudy's fate will be no different from the fate of the generous land she embodies.



1. Peter L. Hays, "Hemingway's Use of a Natural Resource: Indians," Hemingway and the Natural World, ed. Robert Fleming (Idaho: University of Idaho Press, 1999) 45.

2. Ernest Hemingway, Green Hills ofAfrica (New York: Seribner's, 1935) 284-5.

3. Nicholas Thomas, "The Primitivist and the Postcolonial," Postcolontali Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, vol. 2, ed. Diana Brydon (London and New York: Routledge 2001) 776.

4. Ibid., 776.

5. There is the same narrative in "The Last Good Country." See Paul Smith "Second Growth: The Ecology of Loss of `Fathers and Sons,"' New Essay on Hemingway's Short Stories (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998) 86.

6. Hemingway 372.

7. Paul Smith "Second Growth: The Ecology of Loss of `Fathers and Sons,"' New Essay on Hemingway's Short Stories (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998) 87.

8. Ante Kolodny, The Lay of the Land: Metaphor as Experience and History in American Life and Letters (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975) 5.

9. Ibid, 11.

Works Cited

Atwood, Margaret. Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature. Toronto: Anansi, 1972.

(A book by a single author的文献格式) Eggins, Suzanne, and Diane Slade. Analyzing Casual Conversation. London: Cassell, 1997.

(A book by two or three authors的文献格式) Gilman, Sander, et al. Hysteria Beyond Freud. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993.

(为A book by four or more authors的) Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Critici: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957.

---. The Double Vision: Language and Meaning in Religion. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1911.

---, ed. Sound and Poetry. New York: Columbia UP, 1957.

(为Two or more books by the same author的) Calvino, Italo. "Cyberics and Ghosts." The Uses of Literature: Essays. Trans. Patrick Creagh. Sandiego: Harcourt, 1982. 2-27.

(为A work (article, short story or poem) in an anthology的)

American Medical Association. The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine. New York: Random, 1989. (为A book by a corporate author的) Lenneberg, Eric H., and Elizabeth Lenneberg, eds. Foundations of Language Development. New York: Academic, 1975.


Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Ed. Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. Lamar. New York: Washington Square, 1959. (为Author with an editor的)Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. Trans. Constance Gart. Indianapolis: Bobbs, 1978.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于文学类的论文范文检索 大学生适用: 自考论文、专升本论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 35 写作解决问题: 写作参考
毕业论文开题报告: 标准论文格式、论文总结 职称论文适用: 职称评定、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 写作参考 论文题目推荐度: 优秀选题

(为A translation的)

Spatt, Brenda. Writing from Sources. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin's , 1987. (为An edition other than the first的)

Gres, Robert. The Greek Myths. 2 vols. New York: Braziller, 1967.

(为Multi-volume work的)

Frankel, Mark S. "Human Experimentation: Social and Professional Control." Encyclopedia of Bioethics. 1978 ed.

(为An article in an encyclopedia的)

Times Atlas of the World, The. 5th ed. New York: New York Times, 1975. (为An anonymous book的)

Drabble, Margaret. Introduction. Middle March. By Gee Eliot. New York: Bantam, 1985. vii-xvii.

Eliot, Emory. Afterword. The Jungle. By Upton Sinclair. New York: Sig, 1990. 342-50.(为An introduction, a preface, a foreword, or an afterword的)

Craner, Paul M. "New Tool for an Ancient Art: The Computer and Music." Computers and the Humanities 25 (1991): 303-13. (为An article in a scholarly journal的)

Gorney, Cynthia. "When the Gorilla Speaks." Washington Post. 31 Jan. 1998: B1. (为An article in a newspaper的)Mehta, Pratap Bhanu. "Exploring Myths." New republic 6 June 1998: 17-19.

(为An article in a magazine的)Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Henry Churchyard. 1996. 10 Sept. 1998 <,http: // Pemberley./janeinfo/prideprej.>

(为An online book的)

20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 Table of Contents

20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 中文摘 要


20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 Abstract

20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 Abstract

学生姓名 论文中文题目名


20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 References

2016届英语专业学士学位论文 Acknowledgements

20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 Acknowledgments

共 12 页 第 12 页

20XX届英语专业学士学位论文 Appendix

2016届英语专业学士学位论文 Appendix

共 12 页 第 10页


学生姓名 论文中文题目名

2016届英语专业学士学位论文 Notes

2016届英语专业学士学位论文 Notes

共 14 页 第 13页

学生姓名 论文中文题目名

2016届英语专业学士学位论文 Works Cited








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当所引用的着作者同一年有几本着作,则用a, b, c以示区别.

如果主要引用某一个人的观点,而其他着作者也持相同意见,则用see also连接.

当引用的观点已经是该着作者引用的其他人的,用as cited 标示.

如果所引用的着作的观点有3个作者或以上,则第一次全部呈现,以后用第一作者加et al 标示.




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多个着作者,如果是六名以内,全部列出.如果是七名或更多,列出前面六名,后用et al.表示.



Unpublished doctoral dissertation and master's thesis 未发表的硕博士论文.



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第 12 页 共 14 页

第 1 页 共 22 页

第 14 页 共 14 页

第 13 页 共 14 页