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current price 现时

The “real time” price of a security trading on an exchange.

是指当前现货市场上标的资产的.也可称为即期(spot price)或(cash price).

current rate 当日汇率

Current assets divided by current liabilities. An indication of a pany's ability to meet short-term debt obligations, the higher the ratio, the more liquid the pany is.


current ratio 流动比率

Current assets divided by current liabilities. An indication of a pany's ability to meet short-term debt obligations, the higher the ratio, the more liquid the pany is.

等于流动资产除以流动负债,是公司短期偿债能力的指标,比率越高,公司的流动性越强.同working capital ratio.

current value account 现价法

Value of an asset at the present time as pared with the asset's historical cost.


current yield 现时收益率

The annual rate of return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. Also called yield.


current/noncurrent method 本期/非本期法

The translation of all of a foreign subsidiary's current assets and liabilities into home currency at the current exchange rate while noncurrent assets and liabilities are translated at the historical exchange rate, that is, the rate in effect at the time the asset was acquired or the liability incurred.


cushion 缓冲

A characteristic of some callable bonds in which the bonds may not be called for a specified initial period, usually two to three years. Also called call protection.


cushion bond 保券

High-coupon bonds that sell at only at a moderate premium because they are callable at a price below that at which a parable noncallable bond would sell. Cushion bonds offer considerable downside protection in a falling market.


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于债券的文章 大学生适用: 自考论文、电大毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 44 写作解决问题: 毕业论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文摘要 职称论文适用: 技师论文、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 毕业论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 优秀选题

CUSIP number 美国证券库斯普

A nine-character number that uniquely identifies a particular security. CUSIP is an acronym for the Committee on Uniform Securities and Identification Procedures, the standards body which created and maintains the classification system. Foreign securities he a similar number, called the CINS number.

辨认所有美国股票及注册债券的编号,CUSIP系统由美国统一证券辨认委员会(Committee On Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP))管理.

custodial account 监管账户

An account which is created for the benefit of a minor, usually at a bank, mutual fund, or brokerage, with an adult as the custodian.


custodian 托管机构

An agent, bank, trust pany, or other anization which holds and safeguards an individual's, mutual fund's, or investment pany's assets for them.


customary arrangement 惯常规程

A procedure normally followed in a business situation, and which may carry as much moral and legal right and obligation as an agreed-upon procedure.
