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Chinese Paper Template for the 11th National Conference on Structural Engineering, Times New Roman Bold 14 pt, Centered

王XX 1 陈XX2 张XX2




Special Session整合型计画名称:xxxxxxxxxxx (如无免填)

摘 要

本文说明即将在2016年9月5-7日於台中市长荣桂冠酒店中华民国第十一届结构工程研讨会暨第一届地震工程研讨会imes New Roman 12pt),长度以一页为限.若仍有空间可在空一行後,开始输入本文,若空间不足,则本文由第二页开始编辑内文,格式说明於本文件第二页及第三页.全文总长以不超过十页且PDF档案大小以不超过2MB为原则,投稿时请将论文全文之PDF档上传大会conf.ncree..tw/Login.aspxn等于I100100511,档名为论文编号.

关键字: 格式,说明,样本


This document describes the format requirements for papers in the The Eleventh National Conference on Structural Engineering (11th NCSE)/ The First National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1st NCEE) to be held in Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Taichung), September 5-7, 2016. The format of paper tiles is shown above and followed by the author's names and author's affiliations. The first page should include all above titles, names, affiliations, and abstracts in Chinese and English (Times New Roman, 12 pt.). With one clear line, the main text of paper could just follow the abstract. If possible, the main text of paper should be edited in the second page and later. The format requirements for main text of paper are presented in the second and third page of this document. Notably, Maximum paper length (includes all figures, tables and appendices) is ten pages while the maximum size of the PDF file is 2MB. PDF file of your paper should be submitted to conf.ncree..tw/Login.aspxn等于I100100511, with a file name of paper number.

Keywords: format, guideline, template

一,前言(大标题置左,12点粗体,标楷体或Times New Roman 12 pt)

论文内文格式为11点标准字体,中文字型标楷体,英文字型Times New Roman,段落第一列缩排2个中文字,段落左右对齐,与前後段落均不留空行.论文版面以A4直式为原则,上方边界3.5cm,左右及下方边界2.5cm(内文第一行缩排,左右对齐,11点标准,标楷体或Times New Roman 11pt).



论文内容可以再细分小节并依序编号,如下所示,小节标题格式与大标题一致,均为置左排列,12点粗体,标楷体或Times New Roman 12pt,但与前段距离0.5列,与後段距离0列.

2.1 方程式格式



式中等.所有符号须於符号第一次出现时加以定义定义必须附有编号及标题或简短说明标题标题标题长荣桂冠酒店(台中参考文献须按其在文中出现之随文注於方括弧内,并依序列於文末.文中引用提及作者时请用全名未直接引用之文献不得出现.参考文献格式期刊上传至大会 conf.ncree..tw/Login.aspxn等于I100100511


蔡克铨林育详林敏郎中空双钢管混凝土柱与基础接合之试验行为中国土木水利工程学刊第16卷第2期Hwang, S.J., and Lee, H.J., "Strength Prediction for Discontinuity Regions by Softened Strut-and-Tie Model," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 12, pp. 1519-1526 (2002).

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于参考文献的论文范本 大学生适用: 学院学士论文、研究生论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 64 写作解决问题: 写作参考
毕业论文开题报告: 论文模板、论文前言 职称论文适用: 职称评定、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 写作参考 论文题目推荐度: 优质选题


Paulay, T., and Priestley, M.J.N., Seiic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley &, Sons, New York, pp. 68-79 (1992).

方一匡,张简建良,林廷骏,「自充填混凝土梁在弯矩,剪力及扭矩组合载重之承力行为」,高性能混凝土在结构工程应用之研讨会论文集,台南,第 211-246页(2005).

Sakashita, M., Kono, S., Tanaka, H., and Watanabe, F., "Lateral Force Resistance Mechani of a Multi-Story Shear Wall and Peripheral Members," Proceedings of The 7th Japan-Taiwan-Korea Joint Seminar on Earthquake Engineering for Building Structures (SEEBUS 2005), Seoul, Korea, pp. 11-20 (2005).


Thompson, M.K., "The Anchorage Behior of Headed Reinforced in CCT Nodes and Lap Splices," PhD Dissertation, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (2002).


Naito, C., Moehle, J., and Mosalam, K., "Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Beam-Column Connections for Seiic Performance," PEER 2001/08, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, California (2001).



中华民国第十一届结构工程研讨会暨第一届地震工程研讨会The Eleventh National Conference on Structural Engineering

/The First National Conference on Earthquake Engineering

Taichung, Taiwan, 5-7 September, 2016

Paper No. 001