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1. too much, much too与too many


(1) too much和much too样子很相似,但是用法不一:too much后接不可数名词,意为“太多”,much too后跟形容词或副词,意为“太等”.例如:

There is too much noise in the classroom. 教室里太吵.

The book is much too dear. 这本书太贵.

(2) too many的中心词是many, too是修饰语,因此该短语是形容词短语,常用来修饰名词复数.例如:

There are too many old books in the library. 图书馆里旧书太多.

2. be good for, be good to, be good at与be good with

(1) be good for意为“对等有好处/有益”,其反义短语为be bad for,意为“对等有害处”.例如:

Doing morning exercises is good for your health. 做早操对你的身体有好处.

Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 电视看得太多对你的眼睛不好.

(2) be good to意为“对等好”,其反义短语为be bad to,意为“对等不好”.介词to之后一般接表示人的名词或代词.例如:

She is very good to us. 她对我们很好.

The boss is bad to his workers. 那个老板对他的工人们不好.

(3) be good at意为“(某人)擅长等”,介词at后面常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,同义短语为do well in.例如:

She is good at English and Chinese. 等于 She does well in English and Chinese. 她擅长英语和中文.

(4) be good with意为“和等相处得好”.例如:

Are you good with children? 你和孩子们相处得好吗?

3. try to do sth., try doing sth.

(1) try to do sth.意为“尽力/努力/设法做某事”.例如:

They are trying hard to learn English well.他们正在努力把英语学好.

(2) try doing sth.意为“尝试着做某事”, 表示想知道结果或为了显示出结果而试着做做看.例如:

You should try eating more fruit. 你应该试着多吃点水果.

短语try/do one’s best (to do sth.) 意为“尽某人最大努力(去做某事)”

4. fet to do sth., fet doing sth.

(1) fet to do sth. 忘记要做某事(事情没做).例如:

Don’t fet to close the window when you lee the classroom. 当你离开教室的时候,别忘了关窗户.(还没关)

(2) fet doing sth. 忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了).例如:

I’ll never fet meeting schoolmaster for the first time. 我永远也不会忘记第一次见到我们校长时的情景.(已经见过了)

与fet有类似用法的还有remember(记得/记住),即remember to do sth.意为“记得要做某事”(还没做),remember doing sth. 意为“记得做过某事”(已经做完了).例如:

Remember to get to school on time. 记得按时到校.(还没到校)

I remember finishing it. 我记得做完了.(已经完成了)


I fet where I put it. 我忘了把它放哪儿了.

fet有“遗忘”的意思,但要表达“把某物忘(落)在某地”,不能用fet,而要用动词lee,即lee + sth. + 地点.例如:

Oh, dear!I left the keys in my office!哦,天啊!我把钥匙落(忘记)在办公室了!

5. stop doing sth., stop to do sth.

(1) stop doing sth.意思是“停止做某事(doing作宾语)”.例如:

We stopped talking. 我们停止了谈话.

(2) stop to do sth.意思是“停下来(原来的事)去做某事”,(to do表示停下来的目的,作状语).例如:

We stopped to talk. 我们停下来,开始谈话.

6. say, speak, tell

(1) say意为“说,述说”,它针对的是说话的内容.例如: What did you say? 你说什么了?

He didn’t say anything. 他什么也没有说.

(2) speak意为“说,讲(话)”,不强调说话的内容,但讲某种语言,要用speak.例如:

The baby is learning to speak. 那婴儿正在学说话.

Speak more slowly, please!请说得慢一点!

(3) tell意为“说,讲,告诉,教”,侧重于“告诉”的含义多一些.例如:

Let me tell you a story. 我给你讲个故事.

Did you tell the news to your parents? 你把这消息告诉你父母了吗?

He told me he would be back in an hour.他告诉我,一个小时内他就会回来.

7. a number of, the number of

(1) a number of意为“许多”, 后面可接可数名词复数,相当于many.作主语时,主语不是number,而是of后面的复数名词,故谓语动词应用复数.number前可以用large,great,all修饰,以增强或降低数量的程度,但不能用little修饰.例如:

A large/all number of people he read the book. 有很多人/为数不多的人读过这本书.

(2) the number of意为“等的数量”,后接可数名词复数.作主语时,主语是number,而不是of后面的复数名词,故谓语动词应用单数.例如:

The number of the students in our school is rising year by year. 我们学校学生的数量一年年地增长.

8. another, (the) other, the others


(1) another指三个或三个以上人或事物中的另一个,只能修饰单数名词.例如:

The T-shirt is too all. Can you show me another (one)? 这件T恤衫太小,再给我一件看看好吗?

(2) (the) other有两种用法,当the other与one一起使用时,可用来指已知的两个人或事物中的另一个.例如:

One of my parents is an engineer and the other is a teacher. 我父母二人一个是工程师,另一个是教师.


The visitors e from Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an and some other big cities of China. 参观者来自北京、上海、西安和中国其他一些大城市.

There are 55 students in our class. 20 are girls, the others are boys. 我们班有55名同学,20位是女生,其余的是男生.

(3) (the) others相当于(the) other+名词复数,它相当于一个名词短语,可单独在句中作主语、宾语等,不能作修饰语.在指一定范围内的剩余部分时,其前加定冠词the.例如:

There are many people in the park. Some are walking, some are playing games, and the others are boating. 公园里有许多人,有的在散步,有的在做游戏,其余的在划船.

9. turn on, open

(1) tum on表示“打开(电灯、自来水开关、煤气、无线电等)”之意.例如:

Please turn on the radio. 请打开收音机.

(2) open表示“敞开,展开,使等露在外面” 之意.例如:

Open the window please. It’s too hot in the room. 请打开窗户,房间里太热了.

turn on的反义词组为trun off(关上),其中on和off均为副词,如果宾语是代词,必须放在词组中间且用宾格形式.类似的词组还有:turn up调高,开大,turn down调低,关小.例如:

He turned on the light after he came in.他进来后开了灯.

Don’t fet to turn off the light when you lee. 你离开时别忘了关灯.

10. at the end of, by the end of, in the end

(1) at the end of在等未端,在等尽头.后既可以接时间名词,也可以接地点名词,反义短语为at the beginning of在等初/起点.例如:

At the end of the story, the girl finally finds her missing brother. 故事的末尾,那个女孩最终找到了走失的弟弟.

(2) by the end of到等末为止.常用于将来时或过去完成时.例如: They will he learned one thousand new words by the end of this year. 到今年年底为止,他们将学完1000个新单词.

(3) in the end等于at last等于finally 最后,终于.常用于一般过去时.

In the end, the No.1 Middle School won the football match. 最后,第一中学赢了足球赛.

11. buy, sell

(1) buy意为“写”,它的反义词是sell,意为“卖”.buy可以用于buy sth. for sb.或buy sb. sth.这两个结构中,意为“给某人写某物”.buy sth. from ... 意为“从等写某物”.例如:

My mother is going to buy me a new coat.等于My mother is going to buy a new coat for me. 我妈妈准备给我写一件新上衣.

I’m going to buy one book from the old man. 我打算从这位老人那里写一本书.

(2) sell意为“卖”,可以用于sell sth. to sb.或sell sb. sth. 这两个结构中,意为“把某物卖给某人”.例如:

Mr. Smith is going to sell his car to me. 等于Mr. Smith is going to sell me his car. 史密斯先生准备把他的车卖给我.

(3) buy和sell可以与介词for连用,for后面接或消费数额,表示写东西花了多少钱或卖东西得了多少钱.例如:

He sold his old house for 200 thousand yuan. 他把他的旧房子卖了20万元.

(4) buy和sell还可用作不及物动词.例如:

It’s free to buy here and sell here. 这里写卖自由.

12. other, else


(1) else为副词,常用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词或副词,也可以修饰much,little等词.修饰这些词时,else要位于其后,作后置定语.例如:

Why didn’t you e? Everyone else was there. 你为什么没来呢?其他所有的人都来了.

The patient took only a little food and drank some water yesterday, not much else. 昨天病人只吃了一点食物,喝了一点水,别的就没吃了.

(2) else还可以构成名词所有格,即else’s,意为“另外的,其他的”.例如:

That must be someone else’s umbrella, not my sister’s. 那一定是其他人的雨伞,不是我姐姐的.

(3) other作为形容词,用以修饰名词,位于其前作定语.例如:

We learn Chinese, math, English and some other subjects at school. 我们在学校学习语文,数学,英语,还有一些别的科目.

(4) other作代词,复数形式为others.例如:

Some students are playing under the tree.Others are flying kites over there. 一些学生在树下玩,还有一些在那边放风筝.

13. send


Who sent you here? 谁送你来这儿的?

He sent his three sons to the same school. 他送三个儿子去了同一所学校.


(1) send away开除,解雇,赶走.例如:

Send him away!把他赶走!

(2) send for派人去请/叫.例如:

Please send for the doctor quickly. 赶快派人去请医生.

(3) send off寄出(信等),发出(信息).例如:

You should send all the letters off soon. 你应该尽快把信都寄出去.

14. a few, few, a little与little


(1) a few和few用来修饰复数名词.few具有否定意义,意为“很少,没有几个”,a few具有肯定意义,意为“几个,数个”.例如:

He has a few coats, but few good ones. 他有几件上衣,但好上衣不多.

Mike made a few mistakes in class. 迈克在课堂上犯了几个错误.

(2) a little和little用来修饰不可数名词.little具有否定意义,意为“几乎无”,a little具有肯定意义,意为“一些,一点儿”. 例如: There is little milk in the bottle, is there?这个瓶子的牛奶不多了,对吗?

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于名词的论文范文 大学生适用: 学士学位论文、专科毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 63 写作解决问题: 学术论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文摘要 职称论文适用: 杂志投稿、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 学术论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 免费选题

―Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?

―Yes, but just a little. 是的,但仅仅会一点儿.

15. keep

1) keep +sb./sth.+adj.意为“使等处于某种状态”.例如:

Please keep the door open. 请开着门.

(2) keep ... doing使等一直做.例如:

Please keep him waiting for me. 请让他一直等着我.

(3) keep healthy等于keep in good health等于stay healthy保持健康

16. agree


―The football match is quite exciting. Do you agree? 这场足球赛很刺激,你认为呢?

―Yes, I agree./No,I don’t really agree. 是的,我觉得是./不,我不完全同意.

(1) agree后可接不定式作宾语,但不能接动名词作宾语.例如:

I agree to ask someone for help. 我同意求助别人.

He didn’t agree to marry her. 他不同意和她结婚.

(2) agree with sb.和agree with what sb.says都表示“同意某人的观点”. 例如:

―Do you agree with me? 你同意我的观点吗?

―No. I don’t agree with you. I quite agree with him. 不,我不同意你的观点,我非常赞同他的观点.

I don’t quite agree with what she said. 我不太赞同她的话.

17. borrow, lend

(1) borrow指“借入”或“借用他人的东西供自己使用”,“向某人借某物”可译成borrow sth. from sb.或borrow one’s sth..例如:

May I borrow your bike? 等于 May I borrow a bike from you? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?

(2) lend表示把自己的东西“借出”给别人暂时使用,“借给某人某物”可译成lend sb.sth.或lend sth. to sb.例如:

You mustn’t lend it to others. 你一定不要把它借给别人.


1. How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?

how often意为“多久一次”,是在对某段时间内进行某个动作的次数提问,答语通常是never, hardly ever, sometimes, often, usually, always, once a week, twice a day, every two days等表示频率的副词或短语,常用于一般现在时或一般过去式中.例如:

―How often do you go to the movies? 你多久看一次电影?

―Once a week. 每周一次.

how long意为“多久,多长时间”,是对一段时间提问,答语通常是(for) three days/weeks/months等表示时间段的短语,可用于多种时态.例如:

How long do you stay in Beijing every year? 每年你在北京住多久?

how soon意为“还要多久”,是对从某个基本时间到将来某个动作结束或发生的这段时间提问,答语通常是“in+一段时间”,常用于一般将来时中.例如:

―How soon will you finish the work? 还要多久你才能完成这项工作?

―In half an hour. 半小时后.

how many times意为“多少次”,它最易与how often混淆.how many times既不询问时间,也不询问单位时间内动作发生的频率,只询问次数,即“多少次”,常对once, twice, three times等提问.例如:

―How many times did you go to Shanghai? 你去过上海多少次?

―Oh, four times. 哦,四次了.

2. ―What’s the matter? 怎么了?

―I’m not feeling well. 我不舒服.

(1) 询问“(某人)怎么了/哪儿不舒服/出什么事了?”常用句式(以you为例):

a. What’s the matter with you?

b. What’s wrong with you?

c. What’s the trouble with you?

d. What’s your trouble?

e. What’s up?

(2) well作形容词用,意为“健康的(等于healthy),(身体)舒服的”,作副词用是“好(对应形容词good)”的意思.例如: She didn’t feel so well yesterday. 昨天她感觉不舒服.

She sings well and speaks good English. 她歌唱得好而且说得一口好英语.

3. It’s easy to he a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet. 拥有健康的生活方式是容易的,均衡饮食很重要.

It’s + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事等.句中It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式结构,例如:

It’s happy for children to play with their friends. 对孩子们来说,和朋友一起玩是快乐的事.

若sb.与形容词之间有着逻辑上的主谓或主系表关系,则一般使用It’s + adj. + of sb. + to do sth..例如:

It’s creative of you to paint the picture with sand. 你用沙子作画真有创意.

It’s kind of you to help me out of trouble. 你真好,帮助我摆脱了困境.

4. It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus. 走路花25分钟,乘公交车花10分钟.

take主要指花费时间,主要用于It takes sb. some time to do sth.句型中,It是形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语,spend用于花费时间,也可用作花钱,其主语必须是人,结构为sb. spend time/money on sth.或(in) doing sth..例如:

It took them two years to build the hospital. 他们花了两年时间建这座医院.

I spent 5 yuan on the book. 我花了5元钱写这本书.

5. Sure, I’d love to. 当然可以,我很乐意.

Sure意为“当然”,常用于口语中,作为说话人较有把握的肯定回答,相当于certainly, yes, of course.例如:

―Can you e to my party? 你能来参加我的聚会吗?

―Sure. 当然了.

be sure意为“有把握,确信,肯定”.例如:

I’m sure you are right. 我确信你是对的.

be sure to do sth.意为“一定要做某事,必然做某事”.例如:

Be sure to tell him the news when you see him. 你看见他时一定要告诉他这个消息.

be sure of/about ...意为“对等有把握”.例如:

He is sure of answering the question correctly. 他有把握正确回答这个问题.

I’d love to是I would love to的缩写.would love的近义短语为would like,用love表示喜欢的程度更深些.其中to不能省略.

would love sth.想要某物.例如:

I would love a red coat. 我想要红色外套.

would love sb. to do sth. 喜欢(某人)做某事.例如:

I would love to go to school on foot. 我喜欢步行去上学.

6. I don’t think differences are important in a friendship. 我认为差别在友谊中是不重要的.


I don’t think he is at home. 我认为他不在家.

What do you think of ...? 意为“你认为等怎么样?”相当于How do you like ...? 例如:

What do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?

think + it +adj. + to do sth.意为“认为做某事是等”.例如:

I think it good to eat vegetables. 我认为吃蔬菜是好的.


We think everyone should help each other. 我们认为大家应该相互帮助.

7. I saw her play when I was eight. 我8岁时看过她的表演.

see为感官动词,此处跟复合宾语,即宾语+宾语补足语,其中作宾补的不定式要省略to,表意“看见某人做某事”. 例如:

We didn’t see her e in. 我们没看见她进来.

see sb. do sth.指表示看见某人经常做某事或做某事的全过程,而see sb. doing sth.则指表示看见某人正在做某事.例如: I saw Jim go out. 我看见吉姆出去了.

He saw a all boy crying in the corner.他看见一个小男孩正在角落里哭.

与see类似的动词还有find, hear, notice等,宾补为现在分词时用法和see一样.

8. You are never too young to start doing things. 开始做事情多早都不为过.

too ... to do sth.是否定结构,表示“太等以致不能等”的意思,也可使用too ... for sb. to do sth. (sb.是逻辑主语)形式.例如:

It’s too hard for them to work out this problem. 要解决这个问题对他们而言太难了.

too ... to ...可与so ... that (not) ...或not ... enough to ... 互换.注意词的位置及意思有变化.例如:

That house is too old for us to live in.等于 That house is so old that we can’t live in it. 等于 That house is not new enough for us to live in. 那幢房子太旧了,我们没法住.

9. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn the piano when he was seven. 他四岁时开始学习手风琴,七岁时开始学习钢琴.

learn to do sth.意为“学习做某事”.例如:

The child began to learn to swim when he was only six years old. 这个孩子只有6岁时就开始学游泳了.

learn from sb. 意为“向某人学习”.例如:

We should learn from Lei Feng. 我们应该向雷锋学习.

learn ... by heart意为“熟记,背诵”.例如:

All the students leant the text by heart. 所有的学生都把课文背熟了.

“at the age of+数词”意为“在等岁时”,可以用when引导的时间状语从句替换,即“when ... years old”.例如:

Could you skate when you were six years old? 等于 Could you skate at the age of six? 你六岁时会滑冰吗?

10. Tourists need to wear warm clothes. 游客需要穿暖和的衣服.

wear是动词,意为“穿着,戴”. 例如:

My Chinese teacher is wearing a red shirt. 我的中文老师穿着一件红衬衣.

He wears a hat every day. 他每天都戴着一顶帽子.

【易混辨析】put on,wear与dress

(1) put on着重“穿”这一动作,即由没穿到穿这一过程的完成,意为“穿上”.例如:

Please put on your new coat. 请穿上你的新大衣.

Ann put her hat and coat on. 安戴上帽子,穿上外衣.

(2) wear强调“穿着”这一状态.例如:

My sister wears a blue skirt. 我姐姐穿着一条蓝裙子.

I often wear a white shirt in summer. 夏天我经常穿一件白衬衣.

(3) dress既可表动作,又可表状态,但在用法上与wear和put on有明显的不同:当dress表示动作时,常用人作宾语,意为“给等穿衣服”,当表示自己穿衣服时,一般用get dressed (dress oneself),当dress表示状态时,一般用be dressed in的形式.例如:

I dress my son every day. 我每天都给儿子穿衣服.

I dressed myself when I was young. 我小时候自己穿衣服.

She was dressed in a red sweater. 她穿一件红毛衣.

11. Sanya is in Hainan Province in southern China. 三亚在中国南方的海南省.



(1) in的本意是“在等里”,表示方位时表隶属关系.例如:

Taiwan is in the east of China. 台湾在中国东部.

(2) on用来表示方位时,指两方接壤.例如:

Hebei is on the north of Shandong. 河北在山东北面.

(3) to表示方位时指双方不接壤.

Qingdao is to the east of Jinan. 青岛在济南东面. southern南方的northern北方的,eastern东方的,western 西方的,均为形容词,可用在名词前.如:in northern China在中国的北方.

(4) 表示方位的名词如east, west, south,north, right, left, middle等前面一般都有定冠词the,

(5) 作为一个国家的行政区域,常用大写,如North China (华北),South China (华南).注意两个专有名词前没有定冠词.


12. About 200 yuan a night is enough. 大约200元一晚就够了.

enough adj. 足够的,充足的

(1) enough是形容词,意为“足够的,充足的”,可以作表语,也可作定语.例如:

One yuan is enough. 一块钱就够了.

We he enough water and bread. 我们有足够的水和面包.

(2) enough也可作副词,意为“足够的,充足的”,修饰形容词、副词、动词,要放在被修饰的词后面.例如:

He runs quickly enough. 他跑得十分快.

It’s warm enough in the room. 屋子里够暖和的.

Did you sleep enough last night? 昨晚你睡够了吗?

(3) enough后常接for +n.(pron.)+to do sth.结构,意为“对等干某事足够等”.例如:

It’s late enough for us to stop work. 时间够晚了,我们收工吧.


We he enough money.(等于We he money enough.) 我们有足够的钱.

13. What are you going to be when you grow up? 你长大了想要干什么?

be going to“计划,打算”,表示根据某种迹象推断事情将会发生,不能陈述自然规律.例如:

Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain!看那些云,快要下雨了!


Fish will die without water. 没有水,鱼就会死掉.

there be结构的将来时形式是there will be或there is/are going to be.