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Born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the Medical Collage, Tongji University in 1950. Reciived D.Med.Sc. in Moscow in 1961. Professor, Cancer Institute, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, director, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, and deputy director, Division of Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science.

Wu carried out research on cancer cytogeics in Moscow from 1958 to 1961 when Lysenkoi was still prevailing in the Soviet Union and prevented Soviet scientists from exploring this important area. After returning to Beijing in 1961, he established a series of methods and standards to study chromosomes of human and experimental animals. He initiated and promoted basic research and pracitical use of cytogeics in China. Sinci 1974, he has studied mainly geic susceptibility to esophageal cancer among inhabitants in its high-risk areas and developed a strategy for mass prevention and treatment through geic epidemiologic survey, chemoprevention, gene therapy, etc..

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于遗传学的论文范文 大学生适用: 硕士毕业论文、学士学位论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 37 写作解决问题: 毕业论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文总结 职称论文适用: 杂志投稿、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 毕业论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 免费选题

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.