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【摘 要 】本文说明了什么是附加疑问句及其特点,按简单句、并列句和复合句的句子类型归纳了特殊附加疑问句的情况.

【关 键 词 】附加疑问句 特殊附加疑问句

【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)7-0106-02

附加疑问句(Tag Questions)也叫反意疑问句(Disjunctive Questions),是附加在陈述句之后用来征求对方的意见或证实所陈述的事实的简短问句.其基本结构为:(1) 肯定陈述句+否定附加疑问句 (2) 否定陈述句+肯定附加疑问句.陈述句后用逗号,附加疑问句后用问号.一般说来,附加疑问部分在人称、性、数、时态方面都必须与陈述部分保持一致,但也有一些特殊情况,即特殊附加疑问句,现根据句子的类型归纳如下:



(1)当陈述句的主语是everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody等不定代词时,附加疑问句的主语通常用they,但在很正式的文体中可用he;当陈述句的主语是everything, anything, something, nothing时,附加疑问句的主语用it.例如:

Everyone knows the news, don’t they?

Nothing can prevent us from going there, can it?

(2) 当陈述句的主语是one时,附加疑问句的主语在正式文体中用one ,在非正式文体中用you或he .例如:

One can’t be too careful, can one / you / he?

One should learn from others, shouldn’t one?

(3) 当陈述句的主语是such时,附加疑问句的主语取决于such所指:若such指代单数主语,就用it;若such指代复数主语,就用they.例如:

Such is his nature, isn’t it?

Such are his words, aren’t they?

(4) 当陈述句的主语是从句、动词不定式、动名词或词组时,附加疑问句的主语用it.例如:

What I heard just now isn’t true, is it?

To master a foreign language is not easy, is it?

Playing football is exciting, isn’t it?

(5) 当陈述句部分含有 little, few, seldom, hardly, scarcely, barely, rarely, never, nowwhere, nobody, neither 等否定词时,附加疑问句要用肯定式.例如:

He has little money left, does he?

They seldom watch TV, do they?


He told nobody about it, did he / didn’t he?


They refused to e, didn’t they?

She dislikes playing football, doesn’t she?


①当must表示“必须”、“有必要”时,其附加疑问句部分要用mustn’t 或needn’t例如:

He must stop for a rest, mustn’t he / needn’t he?


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于疑问句的论文范文集 大学生适用: 本科论文、函授论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 98 写作解决问题: 如何写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文前言 职称论文适用: 核心期刊、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 如何写 论文题目推荐度: 优秀选题

We mustn’t be late, must we / may we?


Nancy must be watching TV now, isn’t she?

Jack must he read the book, hasn’t he?

You must he read the book yesterday, didn’t you?

(7) 当陈述句含有need或dare时,应视其作实意动词还是作情态动词来确定附加疑问句的形式.例如:

He needs a lot of money, doesn’t he?

He needn’t go there at once, need he?

(8) 当陈述句含有he to, ought to, used to;’d better, ’d like, ’d rather时,应考虑用助动词还是主动词来构成附加疑问句.例如:

He has to go back home now, doesn’t he?

He ought to go back home now, oughtn’t he? He used to get up late, didn’t he / usen’t he?

He’d better begin to do it now, hadn’t he?

He’d like to do it now, wouldn’t he?

He’d rather do it now, wouldn’t he / hadn’t he?

(9) 当陈述句含有 there be 时,附加疑问句部分应有there.例如:

There won’t be any trouble in the work, will there?

There seems to be a shop there, doesn’t there?

There used to be a shop there, didn’t there / usedn’t there?


――I am the top student of our class.

――You are, are you?

――You must follow me.

――Oh,I must, must I?

――So you don’t like coffee,don’t you?


(1)一般的肯定祈使句,附加疑问句常用 “will you”来表示请求(“won’t you”不错),用“won’t you”来表示提醒对方、邀请或劝诱(“will you”不错).而否定的祈使句的附加疑问句只能用肯定式.例如:

Pass me the cup, will you / won’t you?

He a cup of tea, won’t you / will you?

Don’t keep the door open, will you?

(2) Let me / us / him / her / it / them 开头的祈使句,附加疑问句用“will you?”.例如:

Let me go in, will you?

Let us do it, will you?

(3) 以Let’s开头的祈使句,附加疑问句用“shall we?”

Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?

Let’s not move it away, shall we?



What fine weather (it is), isn’t it?

How hard they are working, aren’t they?



She is a diligent student and she often helps others, doesn’t she?

He was told about it again and again, but he still couldn’t remember it, could he?

三、 复合句


He said that he would go to play basketball soon, didn’t he?

She doesn’t think it’ll be very cold, does she?

It’s the third time that he has e late this month, isn’t it?


(1)主句的主语是第一人称且谓语动词是think、believe、consider、expect、 guess、imagine、suppose 等时.例如:

I don’t think he will e to the meeting, will he?

We guess that he works in a factory, doesn’t he?

(2)是句型It is / was said / reported / ――时.例如:

It’s said that he has gone aboard, hasn’t he?


He told me that you had been to America, hadn’t you?

四、 其它特例

I am late, aren’t I / ain’t I?

Either you or I am to do it, aren’t we?

Neither he nor you should do it, should you?

I wish / want / hope to go back home now, may I/ok?
