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◆ 致谢是指作者在论文完成后对曾经给予支持或帮助的单位或个人表示感谢.致谢辞要写得诚恳、真切,可以用第一人称(如例A);也可以用第三人称(如例B). copyright

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. A special acknowledgement should be shown to Professor X, from whose lectures I benefited greatly. I am particularly indebted to Mr. X, who ge me kind encouragement and useful instructions all through my writing. Finally I wish to extend my thanks to the library assistants who supplied me with reference materials of great value. ◆ 范例B

The author is indebted to Mr. X for his constructive suggestions, to Mr. X who helped work out an outline of this paper, and kindly eliminated many of the errors in it. The author is also indebted to Miss X for permission to quote material from the past examination papers in the course of Advanced English.

◆ 致谢辞&rdquo,中的一些惯用表达方式

1) I would like to acknowledge my indebtedness to &hellip,

2) I should like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the assistance and guidance given to me by &hellip,

3) I gratefully acknowledge the help of &hellip,

4) I want to acknowledge the invaluable help of Mr. X, who has been my constant consultant in my writing this essay. If there are any errors, they are not his, but all mine.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于范例的论文范文 大学生适用: 专升本论文、电大毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 12 写作解决问题: 怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文前言 职称论文适用: 技师论文、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 优质选题

5) I would like to thank Mr. X for his suggestions on my writing the first earlier draft.

6) I would extend my sincere thanks to my tutor&hellip,

7) I would like to take this opportunity to thank&hellip,

8) I especially appreciate the guidance of &hellip,

9) I wish to express my special appreciation of Mr. X&rsquo,s help&hellip,

10) I am also indebted to the following for permission to reproduce copy-right material: &hellip,

11) I he a real debt of gratitude to &hellip,

12) Likewise I am grateful to &hellip,

Fan wen ju.

13) Most particularly, I must thank&hellip,

14) I am in debt to ..

15) My gratitude also goes to&hellip,

16) My heartfelt thanks are also due to&hellip,

17) My work also owes much to &hellip,for his encouragement and great

18) A real debt is owed to Mrs. X for her valuable help in my writing.

19) My grateful thanks to all of you, most of all to &hellip,


20) The author is deeply indebted to &hellip,

21) The author&rsquo,s special thanks should be given to &hellip, Fan wen ju.

22) This thesis would not he been possible without the support

andassistance that I received from &hellip,