
点赞:3794 浏览:13589 近期更新时间:2024-03-31 作者:网友分享原创网站原创

或许你有考虑花费6000元,以购写一部即将上市的iPhone 6手机,即使你知道富士康每天50万台的产能,足以令它在年内成为新一代的“街机”.而当你购写产品的在千元的价签后尚要加个“万”字时,你还能否接受,昂贵的它却并非独一无二?当游艇已不再仅仅是财富和尊贵的象征时,私人写作开始强调品位、理念与个性的流露.

You may be willing to spend 6,000 yuan on a new iPhone 6 despite the fact that it will not be trendy within a year as Faxconn will make 500,000 models a day. But when you are going to buy something worth 600 million, will you still buy it if it is not unique? The focus of yacht customization today has shifted from showing off wealth and status to express individual taste, thinking, and personality.


“你能看出这艘游艇的内部设计是与哪家品牌合作的么?”在今年的海天盛筵期间,笔者被公主游艇(Princess Yacht英国游艇品牌)南中国执行主席罗肇华先生如是问到,“不妨仔细观察沙龙餐桌旁的电视墙,看看上面的浮雕图案.对的,是芬迪(Fendi).”这恰是属于罗先生的个人写作:极尽低调却同样着重品质.




还记得一年前在与圣劳伦佐(Sanlorenzo意大利写作游艇品牌)新任CEO卡明斯基(Traugott Kaminski)谈论中国市场时他曾说过:“在中国写作游艇最大的阻碍,是人们接触游艇的历史短、游艇文化不丰富,所以缺乏对游艇个性的想象空间.中国客户更习惯在A、B、C之间做选择,并且要看到实物.在我看来,这就像缺乏营养的快餐.”


其实游艇写作并不难,拿世界著名的游艇品牌意大利法拉帝集团(Ferretti Group)举例,它旗下的各个品牌无一例外都提供写作怎么写作.其中专攻40米以上超级游艇的CRN和主打全写作理念的Ferretti Customer line品牌更是采用全写作怎么写作,即从船体外观的形状,到内部的木料与布材,你都可以一手把控,你甚至可以亲自去位于意大利的船厂,在数百平米的展厅内慢慢挑选,也可以在移动端的APP上快速做出选择,甚至这艘游艇的室内设计师都可以由你亲自指定.但是,这样的全订制怎么写作,也存在着唯一的遗憾――耗费宝贵的时间――往往这样一艘全订制游艇从沟通、设计、协调、建造到交付,最快也需要一年半以上的时间.


Customize Your Yacht

“Can you tell which brand designed the interior of this yacht?” asked Eddie Law, Executive Chairman of Princess Yachts South China, at this year’s China Rendez-Vous. “Look at the relief on the TV setting wall beside the saloon table, yes, it is Fendi. ” Such is Law’s customization―understated but premier.

A decade ago, when China’s first yacht buyers saw a yacht, they would be excited to guess its size, brand and price. Several years later, they would discuss about yacht type and function. And today, they are talking about the much more detailed design. Design must serve people’s needs. But a thousand people he a thousand needs. When a product is priced at millions or billions, the only thing that differentiates its value is how much it caters to the customer’s personal needs.

Full Customization and Half Customization

When Traugott Kaminski, CEO of Sanlorenzo talks about the Chinese yacht market a year ago, he said, “the biggest challenge for yacht customization in China is its short history with yacht, no yacht culture, and lack of imagination for yacht personality. Chinese customers are used to choose from A, B and C and need to see the real thing. To me, it is like fast food.”

In 2014, mainland China has a record 152 citizens on the Forbes Billionaires List, second only to the U.S. And according to Hurun Report, there are 64,500 Chinese with an asset of over 100 million USD. But how many yachts in mainland China are customized? Less than 10.

Yacht customization is not difficult at all. Italian yacht maker Ferretti Group, for example, offers custom service in every one of its subbrands, including CRN, which specializes in 40-meter and longer super yachts, and Ferretti Customer Line, which offers a unique range of tailor-made and highly personalised yachts. Everything from the hull to the wood to and cloth is up to your choice. You can either hand pick from its several-hundred-square-meter exhibition hall in Italy or from a mobile App. You can even pick the interior designer for your yacht if you want. The only disadvantage―it takes time, usually a year and a half from munication, design, coordination, building, to delivery.

A faster but still personalized approach is to order a half customized yacht. If a fully customized yacht starts from 0, a half customized one starts from 0.5. The maker will offer A, B and C standard configurations for you to choose from, with the most basic items, such as the hull, cabin, and fixed structures highlighted. As yacht owner, you can customize your interior on top of the standard framework. For example, westeners would need more rooms as they like long journeys, while Chinese would often convert two bedrooms into a Mahjong room or KTV. With 50% standard configuration and 50% personalized choice, the half customized approach could effectively reduce the lead time.



毕竟能接受这样奇怪船体的人实为少数,就算采用相似的船体外观,设计师们还是能为你打造出完全不同的天地.正如JoyMe提前跨入的一个领域――个性与时尚,像这游艇的名字JoyMe,仅为“愉悦自我”.这艘属于全排水、a动力艇型的JoyMe全长49.9米,共有四层甲板,总排水量500吨,鉴于其超级游艇的定位,应有尽有的艇内设施亦不算出众,但不可否认,单凭其独特的气质与内涵,JoyMe便足以自居“船中翘楚”. JoyMe的前卫风格诞生于世界时尚与设计之都――米兰.知名设计师MarijanaRadovic领导下的Standby是米兰一支专业致力于游艇、飞机、酒店、家具的设计团队,仅在超级游艇一项就已有过10余艘的设计经验.实际上,此次JoyMe所体现的并非Standby的一贯风格,大胆的色彩运用和突出的主题概念,更多的是为迎合船主独特的“艇居”需求――轻松、活力、多样、个性,而这些也恰是他寻遍已有游艇市场而未曾满意的.于是以MijoRadunovic经验丰富的船体技术支持为后盾,MarijanaRadovic的设计师通过与船主详尽的沟通,最终成功打造了这艘JoyMe――一艘每个细胞都赋予了生命与性格、每个元素都流露着思想与态度的私人超级游艇.


Customize for Fashion

How far can we customize? We can look at a few examples. If you invest enough, you can even design a yacht that does not look like a yacht. The 88 meter “Asian Lady”, built by the owner of Yantai Raffles Shipyard for his daughter, for example, adopts an eye-catching asymmetrical structure.

Perhaps not many customers could accpet such an unusal shape, but even with the same shape, designers can build an unique yacht for you. JoyMe is another example of yacht customization for personality and fashion. The motor yacht is 49.9 meters long with a four-story deck and a displacement of 500 tons. The facilities might not be the best given it it a superyacht, but with its unique design, JoyMe is without doubt one of the best.

The ant garde design of JoyMe originates from the capital of fashion and design―Milan. Led by Marijana Radovic, Standby is a design team dedicated to yacht, aircraft, hotel and home design, with experience on over 10 superyachts. For JoyMe, Standby does not follow its usual style of bold colors and prominent themes, but caters to the unique “yacht living” needs of the owner relaxed, dynamic, diverse, and personal, which the owner could not find on existing yacht market. With Mijo Radunovic’s experience in yacht structure and through detailed munication with the owner, JoyMe was succesully built into a super yacht embodying the life and character, thinking and altitude of its owner.

JoyMe's interior can sleep up to 12 guests in its master suite, 1 VIP stateroom, and 4 double cabins. It is also capable of acodating 12 crew for nonstop sailing.




根据游艇主的要求,这艘“梦想游艇”为远航而生,其具备了“探险家”的全部属性:坚固而轻盈的船体、全面而实用的配置、高速而低耗的性能、吃水小、锚泊牢、储备多,与此同时还有“内含”,且不像传统的探险船舶都表露在甲板外面.总吨位497吨,却仅有2.3米的吃水深度,这无疑让群岛内的航行具备了极大优势;可保持12节的航速连续航行6500英里(5600海里左右),油耗每海里10公升,相比同尺寸游艇减少25%. 作为写作理念的重中之重,这艘Exuma更拥有着探索全部所需载具:摩托艇、附属艇、橡皮艇、气垫船,以及一辆16.4英尺(近5米)完全按照船主要求由依维柯Campagnola改造的水陆两栖越野车,还有大量的水上玩具器材.



Customize for Exploration

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于游艇的论文范文数据库 大学生适用: 研究生毕业论文、硕士学位论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 13 写作解决问题: 如何写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文模板、论文小结 职称论文适用: 核心期刊、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 如何写 论文题目推荐度: 优质选题

If you are not a visual type as the JoyMe owner but more practical, take a look at Exuma, a yacht built to be the “air carrier” for the owner’s sea explorations.

“In the mid-1990s, I cruised the world on my third yacht, a 34 meter motor yacht. It was a beautiful experience, but not without regrets. Due to its limited sail worthiness, I could not explore locations I longed for due to rough conditions, so I decided that I want a yacht more suitable for expeditions with which I can daringly sail the Altantic and reach any remote but beautiful areas. Today, it is no longer a drem,” the owner and customizer of the Exuma who has owned five yachts and has decades of experience in sailing shared his longing for and excitement at owning Exuma.

This “dream yacht” was created with a strong aptitude for adventurous exploration in mind: a strong yet light hull, prehensive and practical configurations, high speed yet low fuel consumption, reduced draught, stable anchor, large stowing capability, with most facilities inside the hull as against normal yachts. It has a gross tonnage of 497 tons, a reduced draught of 2.3 metres for nigating even in shallower waters, a range of 5,500 miles at 12 knots, and 25% lower fuel consumption than yachts of the same size―burning only 10 kg per mile.

With the owner’s needs in mind, the yacht is designed to stow large amounts of equipments for exploration: scooters, tenders, seabobs, hovercraft, an amphibious 16.4 ft vehicle pletely customised with Iveco Campagnola mechanical ponents and frame, and diving equipments.

The Fittest is the Best

The owners of JoyMe and Exuma know what they need on the sea because of their rich experience of yacht life. If you are considering a customized yacht, the best advise for you is to he a 3-5 day cruise experience and plan your personalized yacht during the trip.



我这次是在国内一家名为MAXI的厂商写作了一条型号为Maxi 45A的游艇,是标准的游艇半写作.给我最大的感觉就是参与度很高,除了基础的船壳不能改动外,其他的部分都可以按照我的要求来做,当然中间也会因为技术要求和其他因素放弃一些坚持,但总体来说,基本达到了我想象中的要求,还是比较满意的. 为了照顾我的家庭使用同时偶尔商务使用的需要,我和生产商协调将游艇的前舱布置为了卧室,并带有独立卫生间,我要求的房也在尾舱通过一个可以升降的多功能桌实现了,这点我很满意,另外就是船上的真皮沙发座椅和全船的丹麦Fusion音响系统,在外观上选择了白色船体和金色装饰线条,另外就是主甲板上的柚木甲板也是我要求装上的.


Customize for life

I love yacht and has cruise experience overseas, so I bought one for myself and my family after returning to China. I choose customization out of many considerations. I did a research of the yacht market and found out that 40-60 feet yachts are mostly built for business purposes, therefore not able to satiy my needs for both business occasions and family entertainment. I opted for half customization because of its low threshold but high involvement.

I ordered a Maxi 45A, a standard half customized yacht, from a domestic maker called MAXI. My biggest impression is that I can be highly involved in the design. Except for the hull, I can decide on every other parts. Of course I he to give up some of my requirements due to technical constraint or other factors, but overall, to my satiaction, it meets my expectation.

To meet the needs for family use and occasional business meeting, I configured the front cabin into a bedroom with toilet, and the aft cabin into a mahjong room with elevatable table. The leather sofas, chairs, Fusion acoustic system, the white hull with golden lines, and the teak floor on the deck are all furnished according to my request.

Half customization is not as plicated as you might think. For most of the time, you only need to choose from the various solutions provided by the maker. It is like building blocks, pick your forite solution for one block and continue for the next. When all choices are made, the yacht maker will build it together for you, as simple as that.