
点赞:32825 浏览:155315 近期更新时间:2024-01-25 作者:网友分享原创网站原创








As Chinese New Chairman Xi Jinping’s wife, China’s new First Lady, one of the country’s most famous folk singers and a World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador (亲善大使), Peng Liyuan has long been well known.


Different from her predecessors (前任), she has bee a fashion symbol around the world on her first official state visit with her husband when she wore as a trendy (时髦人物).

与前几任第一夫人大相径庭,她随丈夫的首次正式国事访问期间,以时尚形象出现, 已经成为了世界的时尚象征.

People guessed that Peng would remain as low-key (低调) as her predecessors ― after all, she had chosen to oid large-scale performances (大型演出) and people’s attention in recent years. Yet Peng was covered extensively by China Central Television (CCTV)and received a full-page spread in the Beijing News when she visited Moscow with Xi.


Peng’s life story was a classic inspirational (鼓舞人心的) tale. She joined the People’s Liberation Army (人民解放军) at 18 and had already been the top folk singer when she first met Xi in the south-eastern province of Fujian in 1986. She is best known for her 24 years as a singer at the annual spring festival gala (春节联欢晚会).


“Born into poverty, she used her innate (天生的) singing ability to lee her home town, worked hard to plete a master’s degree (硕士学位) at China Conservatory of Music, and used her visionary intelligence (远见卓识) to start dating a low-level cadre (干部). This is why so many people admire her.”


When she got off from her private plane in the first official visit to Moscow, Peng, chose an elegant (优雅的) black coat and ladylike handbag (女士提包) by Chinese fashion label “Exception”, teamed with (搭配;合作) her fresh-faced make-up and understated (低调的) accessories (首饰). Images of Peng stepping off a plane arm-in-arm with her hus-band, President Xi Jinping, he spread widely on the Inter. Her style is termed (被称作) by Inter fans as the “Liyuan style”. 在飞机抵达外访的第一站莫斯科时,彭身着一件优雅的黑色外套,手上提着的是中国时尚品牌“例外”生产的女士提包, 搭配清新妆容以及低调朴素的首饰.她与丈夫国家主席手挽手走下飞机的图片在网络上广为流传,网上的粉丝们称她的着装风格为“style”.

The People’s Liberation Army singer is often pared to Carla Bruni Sarkozy,

Michelle Obama, and even Kate Middleton. She is a chariatic (有魅力的) performer, trendsetter and dash of colour in the political world.


Renmin University journali professor Zhong Xin believes there are high expectations that Peng will help her husband convey (表达; 传输) a friendly image of China.


“Mrs. Peng is beautiful and popular and because this is the first time she will be unveiled (公开的) in her new public role, she will he a good influence,” she said, explaining that the new First Lady will not only show a positive image of herself, but the president and the entire (整个) country. Peng is expected to engage in (参加) some public activities with other first ladies.

她说:“彭女士非常漂亮,非常受欢迎,这次她第一次以新的公众角色出现在人们面前,会展现非常好的影响力.” 她认为这位中国新任第一夫人不仅会展示自己的正面形象,也会对主席和整个中国的形象起到非常积极的作用.据悉彭还将其他国家的第一夫人们一起参与到公共活动中来.

“First ladies are ambassadors (大使) of the culture and the design and of the soft power of a country. I’m glad that she chose to wear Chinese and take up that role of spokesperson for Chinese design here.”

有关论文范文主题研究: 夫人类论文范文 大学生适用: 电大论文、电大毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 89 写作解决问题: 写作技巧
毕业论文开题报告: 论文模板、论文题目 职称论文适用: 论文发表、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 写作技巧 论文题目推荐度: 经典题目



“It’s the first time that China’s first lady appears like a modern woman. I think she dressed very well, with taste and confidence. After so many years, we finally he a first lady who can represent us so appropriately (适当地). I think it is a landmark (里程碑) event.”

