
点赞:3677 浏览:12851 近期更新时间:2024-02-15 作者:网友分享原创网站原创

Abstract:We he known that drinking tea offers many benefits to people. It can help us refresh mind, clear heat within the human body and lose weight. However, tea should be drunk properly and also according to different people’s physical conditions. Therefore, if you add a cup of tea to your daily routine, you had better check the following tips which can help you reap the maximum health benefits.

Key words:tea drinking;health;tips

1)Drink it hot.

Tea oxidizes quickly after brewing, and its nutrients diminish overtime. It is suggested that you drink it hot to get the best out of tea. What’s more, a cup of hot tea can make you feel relaxed after a long day of hey work.

2) Do not drink too much strong tea.

Strong tea may make the human body excessively excitable and he a bad effect on the cardiovascular system as well as the nervous system. If people drink strong tea just before bedtime, they may suffer occasional insomnia. Constant drinking of over-strong tea may induce heart and blood-pressure disorders. But it is not difficult to ward off these undesirable effects: just don’t make your tea too strong.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于参考文献的论文例文 大学生适用: 硕士学位论文、本科毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 87 写作解决问题: 写作参考
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文目录 职称论文适用: 期刊目录、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 写作参考 论文题目推荐度: 优质选题

3)The best time to drink tea.

Chinese medicine believes that different people should drink different tea according to the different situation and tastes of each kind of tea. Do not drink tea soon after or before meals. Otherwise it may decrease appetite when your stomach is empty, or cause indigestion when your stomach is full. One more advice, black tea can warm the stomach, refresh the mind and accelerate digestion. Therefore, drinking warm black tea in the cold winter is a most suitable choice.

4)Do not drink with medication.

As large amount of Tannin contained in tea which will react with certain elements in the medicine can reduce some power of the medicines. People who are taking anemia pills are especially remended not to drink tea. This is because anemia pills normally contain substances such as ferrous oxide, which can cause the stomachache. Therefore you can drink tea a couple of hours after you take medicine.

5)Green tea is the best option for office workers.

Among all the drinks, green tea is the best choice. Because there are four primary polyphenols which are natural chemicals that are beneficial to health. They are often collectively referred to as catechins that are types of flored chemical pounds. Moreover people who always work in places with air conditioners are likely to face skin problems such as easily dry skin and the growth of all wrinkles. Therefore, the moisture content of their bodies needs to be supplemented. Also, green tea, like makeup which contains catechins can help to prevent puter radiation.


As Chinese society developed and progressed, tea consumption has remained a practice of daily life. There can be no doubt that it has been beneficial in enhancing people's life standard and enjoy the pleasure of life. Therefore, it is more and more important for us to know more tips when we drink tea.












