
点赞:18563 浏览:82626 近期更新时间:2024-03-07 作者:网友分享原创网站原创

摘 要 :为了使用户更加方便地查看新闻信息,不受时间或是网络资源等条件的制约,也可以做为自动生成新闻网页的新闻类网站提供信息来源,该系统以面向对象的设计思想,采用Ja语言,凭借Eclipse3.1的开发工具,对网站新闻信息进行了搜集.在可移植性和可维护性等方面有较好的体现.其中运用了多线程的方法对新闻信息进行了快速的下载、整理与收集,为用户查阅新闻信息提供了方便,节省了大量时间.

关 键 词 :面象对象;多线程;新闻搜集;正则表达式


The Design and Implementation of News-gathering System for Website

QIU Zhao-cun

(Jiangsu Radio and Television University Jiangdu College, Yangzhou 225200, China)

Abstract: To enable users to more easily view news and information, without the restriction of time or work resources and other condi tions, the system can provide original information for the news website that can automatically generate news pages. The system relys on the object-oriented design idea, Ja language, and the development tools of Eclipse3.1, to gather information for the site. It has better perfor mance in portability and maintainability and other aspects. The system can realize fast download, arrangement and collection of the news and information by using multi-threaded approach, and make it convenient for users to access news and information.

Key words: object-oriented, multi-threading, news gathering, regular expression


有关论文范文主题研究: 关于新闻类的论文范文素材 大学生适用: 在职研究生论文、自考毕业论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 19 写作解决问题: 学术论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文总结 职称论文适用: 技师论文、职称评初级
所属大学生专业类别: 学术论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 最新题目