
点赞:8130 浏览:33138 近期更新时间:2024-03-03 作者:网友分享原创网站原创

摘 要 :本文介绍了几款针织手套的设计方法与生产工艺,详细分析了每款提花手套的款式及组织结构设计,绘制出每款手套的花型意匠图,并对手套生产工艺中的原料选用、上机编织工艺及后整理工艺进行了详细阐述.关 键 词 :针织手套;提花组织;设计;生产工艺

中图分类号:TS184 文献标志码:B

The Design of Jacquard Knitted Gloves and Related Production Process

Abstract: This article described the designing methods and knitting process of several styles of jacquard knitted gloves, which were produced on puterized flat-knitting machine. For each pair of the gloves, the design idea and style were analyzed and the knitting stitch and pattern design were described. The production process from material selection to knitting and finishing was discussed in details.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于结构设计的论文范例 大学生适用: 学院论文、高校大学论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 15 写作解决问题: 学术论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文题目 职称论文适用: 杂志投稿、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 学术论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 经典题目

Keywords: knitted gloves; jacquard stitch; design; production process

套,掌部花型模仿掌侧出指的造型设计,花型设计图如图 9所示.手腕处编织方法与手套缝合方法均同无指护膝手套.4.2 成品规格与成品密度

掌侧出指手套成品规格尺寸见表 4 所示,成品横密:提花组织为30纵行/10 cm,1+1罗纹为4.5 对/10 cm;成品纵密:提花组织为40 转/10 cm,1+1罗纹为62 转/10 cm.