
点赞:30863 浏览:144308 近期更新时间:2024-03-19 作者:网友分享原创网站原创

【摘 要 】帮助学生了解数学美的基本特征主要有:简洁性、对称与和谐性、统一性和奇异性;从数学故事中体味数学美,培养数学美感,增强数学审美意识;从数学体系及数学模块内部欣赏数学的统一美,提高学生的数学审美意识;从解题方法或解题过程中体验数学的简洁美和奇异美;欣赏数学图形与数学式的对称美与和谐美,理解对称美与和谐美的区别与联系.数学美可以纯净到崇高的地步,能够达到严格的只有最伟大的艺术才能显示的那种完满的境地.

【关 键 词 】数学意识;审美意识;数学美;数学美感;简洁美;对称与和谐美;统一美;数学方法的奇异美

【Abstract】Help student understanding mathematics the United States of basic characteristic main he:Simple and direct, symmetry and harmony, unity and oddity;From mathematics story the body flor mathematics United States, development mathematics pleasant impression, strengthen mathematics appreciate beauty consciousness;Appreciate unify of mathematics from mathematics system and mathematics mold piece inner part the United States, exaltation the student's mathematics appreciate beauty consciousness;Experience from the solution the method or the solution the process mathematics of simple and direct the United States and strange the United States;Appreciate mathematics sketch and mathematics type of symmetry the United States and harmony the United States, prehension symmetry the United States and harmony the United States of differentiation and contact.Mathematics United States can be pure to the lofty situation, can attain strict of the only greatest art then can manifestation of that kind of.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于数学的论文范文集 大学生适用: 高校大学论文、本科论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 27 写作解决问题: 毕业论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文前言 职称论文适用: 论文发表、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 毕业论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 免费选题

【Key words】Mathematics consciousness;Appreciate beauty consciousness;Mathematics United States;Mathematics pleasant impression;Simple and direct United States;Symmetry and harmony the United States;Unify the United States;Mathematics method of strange the United States



1 .1数学的简洁美可以从数学符号的简洁性、数学公式的简洁美、数学技巧的简洁美来
