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摘 要 :在使用由上海外语教育出版社出版,董亚芬任总主编的大学英语精读教材第二册的过程中,笔者发现了有几处地方颇值得商榷,故在此抛砖引玉,以期教材更加完善.

关 键 词 :大学英语;精读教材;问题;商榷





一、Unit 3的Warm-Up Questions(见学生用书P.51)有下述两个句子:

2. What kind of a job do you want to he after graduation

3. What kind of a person do you want to he as your future boss

kind of后接可数名词,前面通常不带冠词a、an、the,这个名词表示不确定的概念.如:He’s a kind of unofficial adviser.


故应将上述两句分别改为What kind of job等和What kind of person等

二、Unit 3的II .Comprehension of the Text,第7小题(见学生用书p.57)如下:

7).The author was very unhappy about the teaching arrangement because_____.

a. he would he to teach all subjects except art to all the boys

b. he was no good at teaching algebra and geometry

c. he would he to teach three different levels

d. all of the above

b选项是:he was no good at teaching algebra and geometry.

该句中的good,编者用作形容词,但是形容词前面不用no,而用not来否定.no 是限定词,只修饰名词.例如:

It’s no good (my) talking to him.


当good作为形容词时,才有be good at结构,其否定式为be not good at等例如:He isn’t good at dancing.

故b应改为he was not good at teaching algebra and geometry.

三、Unit3 Part V. Usage(Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English),第7题(见学生用书P.62)如下:

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于学生的论文范文素材 大学生适用: 自考毕业论文、硕士论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 72 写作解决问题: 学术论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文任务书、论文结论 职称论文适用: 论文发表、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 学术论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 经典题目

7.The dog__________________________(不停地嗅着一团绒线) in the living room.

该题的参是was elling a ball of wool(见《大学英语精读教师用书》第二册,p.144)

该参有点欠妥,没有翻译出“不停地嗅着一团绒线”的语气.应该译成:kept elling a ball of wool 或:was elling a ball of wool without stopping.

四、Unit 4 的III Vocabulary Activates,第二道练习题的第6小题(见学生用书p.85)题干是:

When learning a foreign language, the best method is to begin with the spoken language.

这是一个有语病的句子,这样的语病时常出现.该句的主语the best method, 不可能是learning a foreign language这一动作的实施者,因此该句要改为:

In the course of learning a foreign language,the best method is to begin with the spoken language.或者:

When we start to learn a foreign language, the best method is to begin with the spoken language.或者:

The best method of learning a foreign language is to begin with the spoken language.

五、Test Yourself 1 的Part III,No.74(见学生用书p.136)如下:

More and more people are taking to their bikes as a (n) ______ to driving or using public transport.

参是C.讨论的要点是alternative后接to 还是接of. 请看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中的例句:

You he the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor.


因此,应将题干中的to driving改为of driving.

六、Unit 6的New Words,编者给予生词 sweat vi. (见学生用书p.141)一个学生熟知的词义“流汗”,但是在课文中该词的意义与所给的词义大相径庭:

I’d sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly, of punctured lungs, of pound fractures. I had sweated over them for five years. I didn’t need to sweat any more. (见学生用书p.139,lines 39-41)


该词义应该改成:be in a state of great anxiety 处于焦急不安的状态

七、Unit 6的VII. Cloze中有这样一句:

Dr. Nolen believed that the most important time in a surgical (1) career is the point at which the surgeon begins to feel confident (2) in his ability to make sound decisions in each individual case. (见学生用书p.151)

本句中的confident后接 in 还是 of 请看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中的例句:He is confident of victory. 他对胜利充满信心.但是名词confidence后才接in,请看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中的例句:

Don’t put too much confidence in what the papers say.不要过分相信报纸上的话.

因此,应将题干中的feel confident (2) in his ability改为:feel confident (2) of his ability

八、Unit 6的 III Vocabulary Activities,第三题的第六小题如下:

6).Are you positive all the beds in the hospital are occupied (见学生用书p.172)

参是:Are you positive the hospital has no vacant beds



Are you positive no beds in the hospital are vacant

或者:Are you positive none of the beds in the hospital are vacant